Saturday, May 21, 2011

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Characterizing the National Innovation System of Venezuela

cooperation networks / innovation / knowledge:
organizational arrangements for the experience, skills and attitudes to flow and produce products and services
tailored to the needs of each country and strengthening scientific independence technology, without neglecting
developments in the world!

Greetings innovative / entrepreneurial.

One of the key dimensions in the innovation process from the macro, is familiar with the various agencies and institutions of scientific and technological country. On this occasion, I present in summary form on:

National Endowment for Science, Technology and Innovation of Venezuela - FONACIT

instrument description: Its purpose is to finance the implementation of plans, programs and projects identified by the MPPCT, promote the scientific, technological and innovative, contributing to the country's social development.


The FONACIT exercise responsible stewardship towards the realization of its institutional commitments to the National System of Science, Technology and Innovation and the country. COMMITMENT

The FONACIT be committed to the country, with the National System of Science, Technology and Innovation and its internal organization so as to guarantee the successful and efficient of all programs and projects and the consolidation and development of science and technology sector. EXCELLENCE

The FONACIT promote participation and development of talent within and outside the National System of Science, Technology and Innovation


The FONACIT encourage the participation of all stakeholders in the system National Science, Technology and Innovation in the implementation process projects and programs through the implementation of management and management styles tailored to specific situations and problems. EFFICIENCY

The organization will focus on the optimization and optimization of available resources.

sectoral or horizontal approach of the instrument: Horizontal

Beneficiaries: Teachers / Researchers: Universities: Research Centers: Corporations / Foundations: Local groups R + D + I: Scientific institutions and / or private technology nonprofit

Mechanism Type: Grant (grant fund)

Links Highlights:


Monday, May 16, 2011

Audrey Hepburn Cigarette Holder Vintage


Kousez (left) and Posner (der)
Years of research practice has been documented in his model:
The challenge of leadership

Then I copy short "expanded" from a leadership perspective based on the example, is one of its dimensions: as a model.
This model would be based on the premise: "By their works you will know them." More than once one has heard or has found that a fact is worth a thousand words. Taking
infoaciĆ³n directly from the authors in their original language, would be:

The Leadership Challenge Model

"Our research has That Are Revealed five common practices When Leaders Are Able to make extraordinary things happen. We call The Five Practices These of Exemplary Leadership ®. They are:

Model the Way 2.
Inspire a Shared Vision 3.
Challenge the Process 4.
Enable Others to Act 5. Encourage the Heart

The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership ® resulting from an intensive research project to determine the leadership competencies That Are Things essential to getting extraordinary done in organizations. To conduct the research, Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner collected thousands of "Personal Best" stories—the experiences people recalled when asked to think of a peak leadership experience.

Despite differences in people's individual stories, their Personal-Best Leadership Experiences revealed similar patterns of behavior. The study found that when leaders are at their personal best, they:

1.- Model the Way

Leaders establish principles concerning the way people (constituents, peers, colleagues, and customers alike) should be treated and the way goals should be pursued. They create standards of excellence and then set an example for others to follow. Because the prospect of complex change can overwhelm people and stifle action, they set interim goals so that people can achieve small wins as they work toward larger objectives. They unravel bureaucracy when it impedes action; they put up signposts when people are unsure of where to go or how to get there; and they create opportunities for victory.

2.- Inspire a Shared Vision

Leaders passionately believe that they can make a difference. They envision the future, creating an ideal and unique image of what the organization can become. Through their magnetism and quiet persuasion, leaders enlist others in their dreams. They breathe life into their visions and get people to see exciting possibilities for the future.

3.- Challenge the Process

Leaders search for opportunities to change the status quo. They look for innovative ways to improve the organization. In doing so, they experiment and take risks. And because leaders know that risk taking involves mistakes and failures, they accept the inevitable disappointments as learning opportunities.

4.- Enable Others to Act

Leaders foster collaboration and build spirited teams. They actively involve others. Leaders understand that mutual respect is what sustains extraordinary efforts; they strive to create an atmosphere of trust and human dignity. They strengthen others, making each person feel capable and powerful.

5.- Encourage the Heart

Accomplishing extraordinary things in organizations is hard work. To keep hope and determination alive, Leaders Recognize Contributions That individuos make. In Every winning team, the members Need to share in the rewards of Their Efforts, Leaders celebrate so Accomplishments. They make people feel like heroes. "


One suggestion from Innovargh Foundation is to see, or rather, to study the film: Invictus with actors Morgan Freeman and Matt Damon. However, the lenses to be placed are the dimensions that the authors have proposed for your model. To do this we let the following summary.

Aaahhh, incidentally, have a homemade instrument to measure or identify your leadership profile based on this approach. Just follow this bolg, write and swiftly, you will receive.

Here goes ...

Kouzes and Posner (2005) in their investigations, have shown that successful leadership process involves five practices which five practices which involve ten commitments, every commitment in turn, means developing some activities by the leaders.


Kouzes and Posner (2005) argue that the main function of leaders is to lead their employees to places you've never been, through unexplored paths, should look for opportunities, their job is to alter the status quo, creating an unprecedented, beating the system, looking for opportunities to do what has never been done.

Commitment 1: Go out looking for opportunities to present the challenge to change and grow, innovate and improve.

This commitment involves three practices as Kouzes and Posner:

a) Raise intrinsic motivation: the challenge raises the intrinsic motivation, however, they should not be so great, so that is disappointing, leaders must be aware that people need to have success against the challenges.

For these authors, leaders must offer extrinsic rewards like money, stock, bonuses, prestige and position, however, must also have intrinsic motivation and learning, self-esteem, pride, competition and service, so you will good performance.

However, Kouzes and Posner (2005) state that employees must justify their jobs, not only by economic fundamentals and that will never contribute more than the minimum necessary and tend to feel isolated and leave the organization to get a better job salary. Thus external rewards can decrease intrinsic motivation creating a dependency on expensive systems of remuneration.

The authors argue that a key requirement for increasing intrinsic motivation is that the work involves challenges, such as designing and discover something new, explore an unknown place and solve a mathematical problem, etc. So say for leaders to perform at their fullest capabilities needed:

• Believing that the project requires use all the skills and talents.

• Experience the project itself rewarding, and challenging.

• Find and create opportunities for people to exceed themselves. • Find

occasions for people to solve problems, make discoveries, explore new territories, to achieve challenging goals or find ways to confront any external threat.

• Have work responsibilities become fun.

As Kouzes and Posner (2005) the task of leaders should be to balance the opportunities for action and individual skills, for it must know the capabilities of their poderantes, for that leaders must:

• Know what others can do.

• Recognize that others find it a challenge person.

mention The second practice Kouzes and Posner (2005) necessary to meet this commitment:

b) Balancing routines paradox: it is motivating for poderantes leaders and create a new way of life, the routine can be the enemy of change "eliminates all the routine work tasks not are routine and creative planning extinguished, any fundamental change in the university or any institution "(Kouzes and Posner 2005, p. 92).

The authors argue that routines destroy the vitality of organizations and causes it to atrophy, but some are essential for maintaining the operation definable, consistent, measurable and efficient.

As Kouzes and Posner (2005) is necessary detected when leaders routines are becoming unusable.

The third practice that mention Kouzes and Posner (2005) is:

c) Look around for encouragement and information: Kouzes and Posner (2005) demands for change can arise both from within and outside the company, leaders need to look around, be sensitive to external realities, talking with poderantes, customers and shareholders and keep in touch.

Commitment 2: Experiment and take risks and learn from mistakes that occur.

Kouzes and Posner (2005) assert that innovation involves taking risks, it is essential to health and organizational development, and that a leader should encourage his followers to move towards the unknown, rather than opt for a safe place, unlike a bureaucrat, is thus that the leaders know the skills and motivating tasks and set their poderantes goals higher than normal levels, but not so high in such a way that can be achieved without frustration.

Kouzes and Posner (2005) establish the following elements necessary to make the uncertainties in positive results

a) learn from the mistakes (and encourage others to do the same): Errors are valid if committed during processes innovation and leaders must encourage the learning these processes.

b) Promote and encourage psychological daring decision to take risks: stress is not related to disease, in many cases is associated with increased energy. In this way, handled the events with a positive attitude, there is greater possibility of transforming the complex events or leisure situations manageable.

Kouzes and Posner (2005) cited the following factors that contribute to creating an environment that favors the bold:

• Build commitment to offer more rewards than punishment.

• Build a sense of control over tasks to propose challenges, but always taking into account the level of skills people.

• Create an attitude of defiance by the idea that all change is full of possibilities.

The authors argue that people do not produce excellence when they feel alienated, threatened insignificant, this is how leaders have a tool to evaluate the ability of their constituents, and also gives them guidelines for a successful environment.

The third element to mention Kouzes and Posner (2005) to commit to this challenge is:

c) Make something happen: leaders in times of peace go deep inside and discover the true hidden gifts. Leaders must master change and uncertainty and know when it's time to act.


Kouzes and Posner (2005) assert that leaders must imagine the ideal, the future is an ideal and unique image of how things in the future, the ideals refer to our preferences in terms of values, economic priorities, technological , political and social goals of our existence that we obtain in the long term, is the statement of the objectives that we seek to achieve through practical measures.

The authors argue that leaders need to be original, the views are unique and set us apart from everything else, this is what that awakens the interest of the people in the company, this fosters dignity and self esteem of people associated with the organization.

Moreover, these authors note that the principals want their leaders to have a vision or long-term orientation, should be able to project their goals over time.

Commitment 3. Imagine an uplifting and ennobling future.

As Kouzes and Posner (2005), this commitment involves the following practices by the leaders.

a) Imagine the ideal: the human mind can not remember numbers but feelings and images, is why the leaders in the training process its vision must rely on imaging process, the visions are mental images, impressions and perceptions.

b) Intuit's future: it refers to the ability to imagine, researchers have taken account of these activities argue that senior managers claim to have been guided by their intuition in important opinions.

To undertake this step, leaders must:

• Accept that experience is the best teacher: when presented with an unknown problem, we use past experience to help us solve, is how we compare and integrate the experience with the current situation.

• Use past knowledge: it is essential to understanding the past experiences in planning for the future, the future is built by extrapolation where the past is our way of looking at the future and incorporate the finer details to remember our past experiences, look at the past may increase the ability of leaders to be progressive.

• Exploiting this: the actions to be taken at the time when opportunities arise, you should take into account past experiences, but you should not miss opportunities, do not wait too long in the door and is at that moment that must rely on intuition.

• Implement the vision: the role of the visions is to focus human energy into a focus, if they are not clear people experience frustration, impatience, confusion, and avoid situations where you do not know how to act, is the task of leading maintain a clear vision, not to his followers can do but it will be some discomfort in them because the leader does not.

Commitment 4: Gather other around a common vision by appealing to their values, interests, hopes and dreams.

As Kouzes and Posner (2005) adequate vision fosters a positive change as it concentrates the energy of employees and consequently increases commitment to the company. To do commit to this challenge is critical in leaders:

a) Develop a sense of common destiny: to be effective in communicating their vision, when done properly, poderantes show: job satisfaction, motivation, commitment, loyalty , team spirit, clarity about the values \u200b\u200bof the organization, pride in the organization and productivity. However, this practice is applied less frequently and by the people is the most uncomfortable, you do not have the charisma to inspire a shared vision, this is what gives you energy to businesses.

b) Giving life to a vision the leader must have the ability to perceive the purpose of others, should be able to express their poderantes needs, develop a deep understanding of their desires, what people value and dreams, involves looking at attitudes and feelings of others and as the communication that takes place.

c) Demonstrate personal conviction: the lack of personal conviction is the main inhibitor to create a shared vision, there is no way that the leader can convince his constituents if he is not convinced himself, thus the poderantes consider it a hoax, the leader must be fully convinced.


Kouzes and Posner (2005) assert that there is a high correlation between leadership effectiveness and enable others to act.

Commitment 5 .- Foster collaboration by promoting cooperative goals and building trust.

As Kouzes and Posner (2005) Collaboration improves the performance performance rather than competition improves performance, prevents competition and more efficient use of resources, and has conflicting objectives to success.

These authors argue that the cooperative relations tend to increase the credibility of the leader as opposed to leaders who promote competitive relationships and enables them to increase customer satisfaction of their constituents and commitment to the organization and also asserts that individuals perform better when they cooperate.

Kouzes and Posner (2005) assert that leadership is more essential when it needs the cooperation of the principals to focus the diverse interests that can occur and to promote the creation of a sense of shared responsibility that allows for superior performance.

According to the authors to promote cooperation is essential in leaders:

a) develop cooperative goals, individuals must recognize they need to work together and need each other and that everyone should cooperate, and only achieved do the job the best way possible. To this end, leaders must: • Support


• To maintain the interaction.

• Emphasize long-term results.

The second practice is essential to promote cooperation is:

b) looking for integrated solutions: it can solve many conflicts and allows people to develop a positive outlook to work together, this requires leaders to achieve:

• Concentrate on the benefits rather than losses.

• Sharing information and resources people can collaborate more actively when contribute to the objective of forming a whole from its parts.

• Getting support using alternative remuneration, it is necessary that the ideas generated profits or remuneration in poderantes alternative and that a particular idea is more likely to receive support something that is not concrete.

c) Build relationships based on trust, which is essential to promote collaboration, principals must trust their leaders. Kouzes and Posner (2005) citing research argue that trust is the critical factor to demonstrate satisfaction of individuals within your organization. The trust allows:

• Members to be displayed more willing to express feelings.

• Members experience more clarity on key issues and objectives of the group.

• Members seek more alternative paths.

• Members show greater influence on the results, more satisfaction, more motivation to implement decisions and a stronger bond as team management.

• Have more opportunities to be happy and psychologically adapted as well as the most effective leadership situations are those where each member trusts the other.

Commitment 6: Strengthen others by transferring power, choice, development of competition and the allocation of critical tasks and offering support. The best leaders

"They train others to have a sense of ownership and responsibility towards the success of his group" (Kouzes and Posner 2005, p.286) the poderantes who feel weak and want to play briefly leaving the organization.

As Kouzes and Posner (1997) is clear that to improve the chances of successful leaders must find practices that increase confidence, self-determination and efficiency.

Moreover, these authors propose that the leaders put their power at the service others, to achieve an objective to strengthen others to share power in the leadership and strengthen others is necessary: \u200b\u200b

a) Promote self-leadership: credible leaders rely on the paradox of power: become more powerful when delegated power when poderante leader and are willing to significantly influence each other, it raises the power to influence others and that sharing power with others demonstrate trust and respect for the abilities of others, on the other hand, people who feel that it can influence their leaders are more attached to them and committed to their work.

b) Provide alternatives: the best way for an organization is to use its potential power in the hands of people who do the work, say that providing alternatives and freedom on how to perform the work, improve the personal welfare of employees and increase their effectiveness.

As Kouzes and Posner (2005), leaders must perform tasks that promote the ability to decide in order to achieve higher levels of performance and less dependence, to achieve greater adaptability of organizations, leaders must create systems each more adaptable for which they should give more freedom, to promote freedom is given greater freedom to use the talent, training received and the experience, which provides better performance.

c) To develop competence: it is important for leaders to make investments to ensure the success of its employees who feel strong in developing their skills. On the other hand should be conducive to their poderantes the opportunity to apply these talents.

d) Assign critical tasks: the economic, environmental and social actions can affect the relative importance of the tasks and skills, the capacities of leaders and constituents should be developed around always looking ahead, on the other hand, are bent on poderantes when the success of the tasks is essential.

e) Provide visible support: to be powerful it must attract attention, is how leaders should strive to be visible as their poderantes for individual and group efforts to obtain recognition, on the other hand, leaders are more visible when they attempt that team members relate to persons outside the department, and important people.

4.-be models.

As Kouzes and Posner (2005) for leaders is important to express openly defend the principles and care consistent with the aspirations of its poderantes. They must defend securities representing a whole to be able to mobilize and unify the People should lead by example and based on a shared vision of what is expected.

Commitment 7: Set an example by behaving in ways consistent with shared values.

Kouzes and Posner For (2005) the proposal of the leader must be the company's proposal. They claim that when there is coherence between the leader's values \u200b\u200band the values \u200b\u200bof the organization gains are significant. Shared values:

• Foster a strong sense of personal efficacy.

• Promote high levels of loyalty to the company.

• Facilitate consensus on the main objectives of the organization.

• Encourage ethical behavior.

• Promote strong standards on the implementation of work and interest thereon.

• Reduce levels of job strain.

• Encourage pride in the company.

• Facilitate understanding of job expectations.

• Fosters teamwork and team spirit.

Moreover, these authors propose that when leaders seek consensus on shared values, the poderantes are more positive and create a sense of personal efficacy, while those who do not feel they waste their energy trying to figure out what is expected of them, claim that to commit to this challenge is important for leaders:

a) Clarify the values: according to Kouzes and Posner (2005) followers expect their leaders to defend their personal beliefs, otherwise, are considered contradictory if they change with each mode, values \u200b\u200bare what tells you how to act in certain situations, are models that influence other aspects of life.

b) poderantes unify around shared values: Kouzes and Posner (2005) say it is more difficult to obtain consensus for the values \u200b\u200bto prevail in an organization, involve employees to participate actively in the process, should agree with them and clear them.

Kouzes and Posner (2005) found in his research that people with greater clarity about their values \u200b\u200band those of the organization have higher levels of commitment to it. They claim to possess a clarity about personal values \u200b\u200bmay be more important to be clear about the values \u200b\u200bof the organization.

These authors claim that shared values \u200b\u200bpromote a large increase in work attitudes and performance because:

• Foster a strong sense of personal efficacy.

• Promote high levels of loyalty to the company.

• Facilitate consensus on the main objectives of the organization.

• Encourage ethical conduct.

• Promote strong norms about the diligence and interest.

• Reduce levels of job strain.

• Facilitate understanding of job expectations.

• Foster teamwork and team spirit.

The third practice is essential to commit to this challenge is:

c) Focus: acts speak louder than words, Kouzes and Posner (2005) claim that it is important to note that employees if they want be productive employees should give a good example, setting high performance standards and practice what they preach, so such acts become daily activities.

Commitment 8: Get small wins that promote steady progress and generate commitment.

As Kouzes and Posner (2005) this challenge requires leadership by the following practices:

a) The big change is a process of small wins: the leaders are more effective as Kouzes and Posner (2005) decompose processes in small achievable steps.

b) Lead the process of small wins, as Kouzes and Posner (2005) leaders who set their goals around small wins, they make their constituents feel successful and continue to show greater interest in getting wins and generates a tablet personal and group. Furthermore, effective leaders are able to change people through:

• Mobilize to act quickly.

• Experiencing continuously.

• Reduce items to its essence: the urgency of the work makes people only have the time to focus on specific topics.

• Act with urgency relates to perform all tasks as a matter of immediate action.

• Maintain the commitment, people must be committed permanently. 5.-

provide encouragement.

Commitment 9: To recognize individual contributions to the success of any project.

As Kouzes and Posner (2005), leaders who recognize individual contributions, manage to increase internal motivation of each individual, recognize these contributions is achieved by performing the following guidelines:

a) Build self-confidence through high expectations : successful leaders have high expectations both of themselves and their constituents.

As Kouzes and Posner (2005) form the framework expectations within which individuals adjust the reality is very often look at what we expect to see rather than what actually occurs, this phenomenon is known as the "Pygmalion Effect" or "self-fulfilling prophecy."

In this way, authors say it is if the leaders have high expectations about what people should achieve, through treatment, promote individuals to strengthen their own confidence and enable them to get more of what they had imagined.

b ) Linking performance to rewards: Kouzes and Posner (2005) assert that individuals tend to repeat behaviors that are rewarded, avoid behaviors that are punished and tend to forget those who do not produce neither result.

"If you want to draw attention to the quality should reward only those who meet the standards set. Those who show poor performance in this area should not be rewarded until they conform to the norm "(Kouzes and Posner 2005, p. 419).

Moreover, as the authors to link rewards to performance, it is important for leaders:

• Try to let people know what is expected of them.

• Provide feedback on performance of employees. • Reward only

those who meet established guidelines.

The third fundamental practice to commit to this challenge is:

c) Use a variety of rewards: According to Kouzes and Posner (2005) is important for leaders to use both extrinsic rewards offered by the organization as intrinsic rewards such as cards, because the organizations offer a limited range of formal rewards.

Intrinsic rewards, according to the authors, serve as a powerful motivator, as they provide a sense of achievement and the thrill of creating these occur immediately after the effort of the individual. Moreover, the rewards extrinsic and intrinsic must be combined properly, it is not always the first cause an addictive effect as is commonly thought.

d) Be positive and optimistic: Kouzes and Posner (2005) assert that there is a difference in performance, stress levels and long-term health of the type of leadership. Leaders who provide a positive sense, encourage their followers to give the best of themselves, and motivate them to make the impossible possible.

Commitment 10: Celebrate team accomplishments regularly.

As Kouzes and Posner (2005) celebrations are processes in which rewards people and shared the excitement of their success. Is important that they exist four elements:

a) Outlining the achievements with joy: According to the authors, it is essential to clarify what is sometimes held, moreover, these celebrations should involve real success stories that are consistent with the values \u200b\u200bof the organization, so that employees feel encouraged to try to achieve them, this factor is essential to maintain credibility.

b) Make public ceremonies, according to the authors, public ceremonies, give visibility to the acts, and therefore generate greater accountability, moreover, reinforce the commitment to core values \u200b\u200band give to show that the leader is serious about the importance of complying with the principles.

Kouzes and Posner (2005) state that if the spontaneous ceremonies are often more meaningful and memorable, as are appropriate as they produce is still fresh when the thrill of victory.

c) To participate in person, according to these authors, leaders have many opportunities to celebrate, celebrations are to focus attention on the core values \u200b\u200bthat leaders personally join in the celebrations generates solidarity and commitment that the poderante feels supported and is working as a team to meet the challenges.

d) Develop social support networks: the authors claim, that by the celebrations, leaders create social support networks, as people gather around a common purpose and when does that team members interact at levels beyond the professional, begin to worry about by others, as well as celebrate the achievements allows to strengthen interest and everyone feels included in the team, let alone believe they belong to something larger and more significant, this increases the motivation to achieve.

Kouzes and Posner (2005) state that on the other hand, to defend the social support networks facilitate interaction, both formal and informal, is at this point that break down the hierarchical barriers, and for the exchange of ideas, encouragement with people at another level.

Source: Kousez James and Barry Posner. (2005). "The challenge of leadership. How to get extraordinary achievements permanently." Buenos Aires: Granica.

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