Friday, April 29, 2011

Can We Usemasterbution Cloth After Masterbution

GOD ..!

're like a green mountain
a beautiful prairie butterflies fluttering

in beautiful flowers,

Cyclone wind that comes slow
and becomes strong
very strong in its path,

radiant Summer clear sky
fresh air, birds, sun
intense heat in the heart,

Rain, wind, stars, moon
happy people walking children

Stone, earth, water,
inspiration of life,
way to go. Amish

Dentalreminder Letter Sample

Brief Tour of leadership approaches

More about: At this point
football game between the two giants Real Madrid and Barca, observe the conduct of technical and managerial leadership of players. Although the world of entrepreneurship is another good
learn from other fields of knowledge and depporte.

Greetings innovative / enterprising!

placed Innovarg Foundation or as they say in the media bloggers: post a summary of a descriptive work produced by the research team of the Foundation on leadership, as this process, behavior, or human factor is a key element things happen. That is, is a driven element which sets out the ideas, and that ignited the process of mobilizing the human will to move the human, and all that ecnómicos existing human creation.

entrga In a second, we will focus on leadership based on example, the focus of Kouzes and Posner. So take this brief tour of the field of leadership:


could define leadership is the ability of humans to have him lead a group around a common purpose.

"Leadership can be defined as the art of mobilizing others to want to fight in pursuit of common aspirations" (Kouzes and Posner 1997, p. 73). They claim that there must be desire, without it, leadership does not imply a voluntary commitment, this is given by external rewards or pressures.

Tannenbaum, Weschler and Massarik (1971) define it as the influence exerted by the process of communication directed toward achieving a goal or goals

Siluk (1982) cited by Altuve and Serrano (1999) argues that leadership is an administrative process that is determined by the confidentiality in the affairs of others. Is a set of behaviors executed by the chiefs, who are human beings just like followers. Clark and Clark

cited by Altuve and Serrano (1999) argues that leadership is an activity or set of activities that can be seen on others that are conducted in a group, organization or institution with the participation of the leader and supporters who voluntarily come together to achieve common goals.

Gibson, Ivancevich and Donnelly, (1996) defines leadership as an effort to use different non-coercive types of influence that individuals are motivated to fulfill some goal.

Kotter (1990) defines leadership based on the findings of their research and the practice of motivating people in order to voluntarily orient towards group goals.


Goleman, Boyatzis and McKee (2003) defines a leader as the person to whom others turn in search of clarity and conviction they need to face, overcome or perform a certain task.

Morales et al (1994) states that a person can become a leader in providing incentives to their followers that they themselves could not get, so fans are indebted to the leader, giving him great prestige and esteem and thus gain status as the leader and followers are subject to their authority.

3 .- Is leadership innate or learned?

Lussier and Achuar (2002) state that leaders are born with certain leadership skills and also cultivate it so cognitive abilities and personality traits are innate in one place, so the leaders who possess certain characteristics can have greater leadership

Hersey, Blanchard and Johnson (1998) cited by Betancourt and Marval (2006) argue that the success leadership and is determined at birth, but anyone can become a leader, that is, work experiences, challenges and opportunities, education, the example of models and guides in addition to form a leader.



Hersey, Blanchard and Johnson (1998) cited by Betancourt and Marval (2006) claim that by 1945 the most common leadership theories were oriented feature, so that certain characteristics such as physical energy and people skills that were essential to give effective leadership. So that only those who possessed them could perform as leaders. 4.2 .-


Focus must perform certain behaviors that an effective leader. According to Love (2007) these theories propose that leaders are distinguished by specific behaviors which are not.


According to Morales et al (1994) these studies were linked to determine what behaviors do leaders and determine the dimensions related to them could be related to group performance and satisfaction subordinates. According

Amorós (2007) studies found these two dimensions:
• Structure: refers to the extent that the leader can structure their role and their subordinates.

• Consideration: refers to the extent that the leader can have relations which are characterized by respect and consideration subordinates with their feelings.


According to Love (2007) studies found these two dimensions of behavior of leaders who called employee orientation, which refers to people who emphasize relationships and show an interest in personal needs and guidance to subordinate production tend to emphasize the technical aspects or work and their main concern is the achievement of goals and for that group members are seen as means to the end.

These studies concluded that high productivity was associated with employee-oriented leaders.


Robbins (1998) argues that this theory holds that due to time pressure, leaders establish a special relationship with a small group of subordinates. This group captures most of the attention of the leader. On the other hand, those who remain outside of this group received less attention and dedicated relationships established are subordinate supervisor. Thus the beginning of the relationship with the subordinate leader classifies it implicitly and this relationship is maintained over time. SITUATIONAL LEADERSHIP


"The effect of personality type and behavior of the leader and follower characteristics on group performance almost always depends on the context in which leadership happens (Robbins, 1998, pp432). Within the Situational Leadership as the author found the following models:


According to Robbins (1998) was the first comprehensive attempt to develop a situational leadership approach, was introduced in the mid-sixties. This model proposes that effective group performance depends on there being an appropriate relationship between the leader's style and the level at which the situation gives control and influence the leader.

Fiedler The author claims that considers three variables that determine effective leadership:
1 .- The leader-member relations
2.-Structure of the task.
3 .- Position of power.


According to Robbins (1998) this model considers the work of the leader should be to guide their followers towards goals and provide direction and support required to achieve their goals. This model considers two types of variables: those who do not control subordinates and those that are part of the personal characteristics of subordinates. Thus the effective leader is that, in consonance with the sources of environmental structure and characteristics of the subordinate

4.8 .- PETER DRUCKER (1983).

argues that it is necessary to study the basic qualities of leadership, which are in the moral integrity and leadership, social values, etc.. However, many do not see profitability, which tend to be measured by numbers and not by results.

Moreover, the author says is true that company performance can be increased by increasing the performance of teams, then the efficiency can be determined by: the selection of investments, personnel decisions, innovation and planning.

Drucker (1983) states that act by example is the most effective way of managing others, this means that leaders must act thinking that their actions will be observed by his followers and taken as an example

4.9 .- ROBBINS (1998)

Robbins (1998) has a global vision of all theories of leadership to say that there are many definitions of leadership as people who have tried to define it and says that leadership is the ability to influence a team and get goals.

Robbins (1998) states that there are two ways in which leadership occurs, the first in a formal position on which people can take charge and has a certain degree of authority, and the second is to assume its own will a leadership role in the organization that integrates.

4.10-Bennis and NANNUS (1985) and Bennis

Nannus (1985) state that in order to develop the leadership should be the following:

- Commitment: every leader must be able to communicate to his followers the vision the organization, thus, the role of leadership is essential to human resources.

- Complexity: Determined by sudden changes in the changing social context that affects the organization.

- Credibility: acts performing leaders must be in line with the thoughts thus achieve credibility. As the leader holds more credibility, more support will of his followers.

Bennis and Nannus (1985) state that leaders gain more knowledge when they encounter obstacles in their way

4.11-KOTTE (1990)

states that leadership is characterized by:

• Share a vision of what should be the organization and develop strategies to achieve that vision.
human resources work cooperatively.

12.4-Peter Senge (1992)

states that learning-oriented organizations, draw experiences to use the information in the future, maneuvering in a highly changeable. It is therefore essential that leaders possess a systemic, that are open and willing to dialogue which allows them to align so the followers toward common goals

Bolman and Terrence Deal (1995).

These authors have noted that leadership and management are two entirely different terms, however, both are essential. Bolman and Deal

(1995) state that currently, managers and supervisors are faced with new challenges, which require not only aims to solve, but a clear vision and great commitment, characteristic of a wise leader.

The authors state that in the future, leaders will be responsible for finding new options for the organization, enabling unleash the potential of individuals and increase team productivity. Bolman and Deal

(1995) assert that leadership has changed over the years, at which managers and supervisors have seen new challenges, which begin to implement the idea right at the right time so as to increase the performance, this is based on management leadership therefore must take into account the context, which influences what leaders need and determines what they can do.

For these authors, the qualities that a leader should possess are: vision, strength and commitment and situational character "(Bolman and Deal, 1995, p 17).

4.14-STEPHEN R COVEY (1995).

Covey (1995) asserts that leaders:

• Learn continuously.
• Have vocation to serve.
• They radiate positive energy.
• Believe in others. • Come
life as an adventure.
• They are sincere.
• They run for self renewal. 4.15 .-

ULRICH, Zenger and Smallwood (1999) RESULTS ON HOW TO EMPLOYEES

"Leaders achieve employee outcomes when human capital increases over time and continuously supplies the needs of the organization" Ulrich ( 1999 et al, p.66)

Ulrich (1999 et al) defines human capital as the knowledge of employees as individuals, also proposed that can be defined as the knowledge and feelings of employees so assigned value knowledge, education, experience and creativity employees.

Ulrich (1999 et al) says that human capital is a function of two variables: employees' ability and dedication of employees, both on a balance must be maintained as a power to another.

"To enhance human capital requires both ability and dedication," Ulrich (1999 et al, p.67).

Ulrich (1999 et al) proposed to be taken into account the following principles on human capital:

• Human capital is underutilized: human capital will become increasingly important to the extent that the service economy grows.

• Human capital is one of the few assets that can to be recovered: it is bound to grow for the organization to prosper, the leader's role will be to convert human capital into value for its customers and in turn ensure that the skills of employees to be productive.

• Human capital is portable, employees with more human capital can get job opportunities in other companies, is why these voluntarily make the decision where to work, so the economic benefits are less important than creating something meaningful, the role of leaders is then to find new ways of devotion.

• In many companies, human capital has been poorly managed and Deputy Administrator, which is why most employees are unhappy with their previous work experiences, and companies often ignore this reality.

• Human capital in a company directly correlates with how customers perceive the company's view of business customers has a direct relationship with the service provided in local or sale and not to public relations campaigns, ie, the image comes from employees directly serving customers.

• Human capital makes everything else work: To succeed, companies need leaders who promote the use human capital

4.16 .- Goleman, Boyatzis and McKee (2003)

some authors claim that the leader should ensure that the positive feelings of the followers and believe that this happens when the leader produces resonance, which is defined as a basic positive emotional climate and to mobilize the human, so say the degree of emotional intelligence of the leader determines the extent to which the leader manages his emotions to get a group reach its goals, setting a resonant leadership.


• Adair, J (1992). "The challenge innovacón's management." Bogotá, Colombia: Editorial Legis.

• Bennis, W and Nannus, B (1985). "Leaders. The four keys of effective leadership." Colombia: Editorial Norma.

• Bolman, L & Deal, T (1995). "Organization and Leadership. The Art of Decision." Wilmington, USA. Editions Addison Wesley Iberoamericana, SA

• Covey, S (1995) "Principle-Centered Leadership." Barcelona, \u200b\u200bSpain. Editorial Paidós Caracas, Venezuela.

• Drucker, P. (1983) "Managing for the future." (2.ed) Colombia: Grupo Editorial Norma.

• Garcia, R (2005) "The Shamrock and matrioshka: managing life and life management in the emerging organization. "Caracas, Venezuela Editions matrioshka.

• Gibson J, Ivancevich, J Donnelly, J (1996)." Organizations: Behavior, Structure and Process. "Colombia: Editorial Mac Graw Hill .

• Goleman, D, Boyatzis, R & McKee, A (2003) "The leader creates more resonant." Barcelona Spain: Editorial DeBolsillo

• Gómez, L. and Balkin, D. (1998): "Administration" . Colombia McGraw-Hill.

• Gubman, E (2000) "The talent solution. Aligning strategy and people to achieve extraordinary results. "Bogotá Colombia. Editorial Mc Graw Hill

• Kotter, J (1990) "The leadership factor." Spain: Editorial Díaz de Santos.

• Kuczmarski, T (1997) "Innovation. Leadership Strategy for highly competitive markets." Mexico: Editorial Mac Graw Hill.

• Lussier, R and Achuar, C (2002) "Leadership: Theory, application and development of skills," Mexico: Editorial Thomson Learning.

• Ponti F. (2001) "The creative company." Barcelona, \u200b\u200bSpain. Granica Ediciones SA

• Robbins, S (1998) "Organizational Behavior: Concepts, Controversies and Applications, Mexico: Editorial Pretince Hall

• Robbins, S (2004) "The Body in the World Today." Mexico. Prentice Hall.

• Robinson, A and Stern, S (2000), "Business Creativity, a new concept of corporate improvement and innovation," Editorial Prentice-Hall, Mexico, 1 ª. Edition.

• Rothwell, R (1990), "SUCCESSFUL industrial innovation", New York. USA Editorial R & D Management, Vol 22, No 3.

• Senge, P (1992) "The Fifth Discipline. How to promote learning in the emerging organization.: Spain. Ediciones Juan Granica

• Tannenbaum, R, Weschler, R & Massarik, F (1971). Leadership and Organization. Buenos Aires: Ediciones Die

• M Tushman and O'Reilly C (1998). "Innovation." Mexico DF, Mexico, Editorial Pretince Hall.

• Ulrich, D, Zenger, and Smallwood J, N (1999) "Results-Based Leadership. How to strengthen the business leaders and increase profits." Bogotá Colombia. Editorial Norma.

• Ulrich (1999) "Human Resource Champions." Buenos Aires Argentina. Editorial Granica

• Valdés, L (1999) "Innovation the art of inventing the future." Mexico DF, Mexico. Editorial Learning Center organization.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Can You Fly If You Have Atrial Fibrillation

Five lessons of leadership for a globalized world: IESE Business School-University of Navarra

Salto Angel
Bolivar State Venezuela. Greetings

innovative / enterprising!

then copy them about leadership, I hope it useful. In the end, the source.

Despite the hundreds of titles published in the past year with the word "globalization," there is still much confusion about what this concept really means. But it is still less clear how to improve leadership development in an integrated and comprehensive world-the conference theme "Globalization and Leadership Development in an Integrated World: The Role of Companies and Business Schools, "held at IESE on 7 and 8 April 2011.

Most companies seem to be testing the waters: should develop a centralized leadership or recruiting local talent?, What is the best way to build and manage a diverse workforce?, And finally, what role have to play the business schools in training the next generation of leaders?

may not have answers for these questions, but the deans of business schools, academics, CEO and member of IESE's International Advisory Council that gathered at the conference agree on some key issues extensively.

1 .- cultivate local talent

A strategy based on "one size fits all" is an indefensible idea. While many companies such as Telefonica, rely on expatriate executives more valuable to emerging markets, exporting talent from headquarters without further has its limitations.

large extent, the chances of it depends on the personality of each, have a global mindset and thrive in collaborative environments, and from its socket. The chairman of Aegon, Kees Storm, puts it this way: "As football, not all players adapt to all teams. You have to find the right person for the right job. "

Being able to adapt to local customs is key to developing talent destination. Bertelsmann prefers to train local managers and entrepreneurs rather than relying too heavily on expatriates.

2 .- Embracing diversity

can not develop a culture without embracing multicultural diversity at all levels of operations. At the headquarters of Nestlé, for example, employs people from over 90 nationalities.

Swiss company makes its executives quickly come into contact with issues and international situations. "We must be curious and willing to leave your comfort zone," says Laurent Freixe, Nestlé Europe.

People must learn to work with diversity, not only cultural, but also employing more women in managerial positions.

3 .- To the beat of time

One of the main challenges for the development of leadership today is finding ways to attract and motivate the most talented members of the so-called "Generation Y".

leaders of this generation tend to address their professional development in a rather different, searching for meaning broader work, and a reconciliation of work and personal life more balanced.

To meet these demands, Allianz offers more jobs part-time executive to the most promising young leaders.

For his part, Martin Sorrell, CEO of WPP, urges companies to keep their eyes peeled on the impact of technological change in the workplace. "The information itself does not mean we can," he says, "The power lies in how you use it."
also predicts that there will be a profound change in the organizational structure of the companies: "So far, most of the benefits still fall on the traditional markets, but this will not last much longer. "

4 .- Collaborate with business schools

If the supply of executive talent falls short of current demand, business schools should ask themselves whether they are doing a good job in shaping leaders. CEO

Some perceive that business schools believe that their customers are students of MBA and forget businesses. In addition, they feel the need to change the current model of management education-dominated in the past 50 years by the U.S. management, and adopt a mentality more inclusive global.

Bruno Di Leo, IBM, calls for closer collaboration between public and private sector to develop talent, and a business approach to academia.

5 .- Ready for change

The executives who have succeeded so far in developed markets are not up to the challenges that await them in emerging economies.

"No company can succeed in emerging markets simply applying the practices that worked in Western countries," said Di Leo.

By not drag the same problems inherited developed countries, many emerging economies can skip some steps and innovate faster. Thus, even if they want to learn from Western models, this agility can stay one step ahead.

Source: up

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Dnc Needed For Fibroids

Puig ...

(Postal box found in the photos of my grandparents)

Friday, April 22, 2011

Pink And Black Jordans 2010

The essence of coaching

Coaching develops the competence of the Multilevel communication
: Language, emotion and physicality.
a life tool for achieving goals that were previously
ideas or expectations.
You make the world go by what you say, feel and do!
is like a rope, in spite of the waves, the boat remains safe. Greetings


After reading and commenting on computer, writing Innovargh has decided to publish the following information as an introduction on why and how the coaching and its potential as a support tool for creativity and innovation processes in organizations. At the end is the source of this brief summary:

But .... What is coaching? What is the essence of the model? What brings people and organizations? Are some questions that I imagine, can be any person who does not know and try to answer in this article

What is coaching?

Coaching is a model that aims to develop the potential of individuals, methodically structured and effective. The principles on which it is based are:

• Coaching focuses on future possibilities, not the mistakes of the past or current performance.

• To get the best out of people, the coach must believe in its potential. Our beliefs about the capabilities of the others have a direct impact on their performance.

• Coaching works on the basis of a relationship of trust and confidentiality maintained between the coach and the trainee.

• The trained not learn from the coach, but whether it stimulated by the coach. Although it is sometimes not easy, the coach should avoid transferring their experience to trained, since if it did, would violate one of the basic principles of coaching.

As Goethe said:

"The best thing to do for others is not to teach your riches but to make them see their own"

The methods of coaching with those usually involved in organizations are:

• Coaching Custom (development sessions managers)

• Coaching group (dynamization of equipment)

Coaching Training (skills development coach).

individual coaching sessions or executive development to help address situations of potential or development managers. The most common reasons for intervention are usually: decision making, conflict, stress, fundraising, skills development, support promotions, etc..

group coaching sessions are intended to stimulate a group of people or managers. The most common interventions include: problem solving, creativity sessions, conflicts, etc.. Finally

training activities in coaching can develop in the participants (managers and directors) for the responsibilities of coach who can promote the potential of their employees and improve performance. Interventions can be structured and formal when establishing a specific framework, informal when the coach takes advantage of everyday opportunities to use the model. And we can also use the methodology to our own self (Autocoaching).

What is the essence of the model?

Our results are a consequence of our actions or behaviors, and these in turn, are a reflection of our thoughts. Performance improvement occurs when we enrich our mental models and can generate new responses.

The essence of coaching goes to enrich the trainee's mental model (as a subject observer and promoter of their restlessness, their beliefs, values \u200b\u200band mental maps), increasing their level of awareness and facilitating the transition to action. All these questions and based on descriptive or non-evaluative feedback. The sequence might be:

1. Location of the desired (target)

2. Description of the current situation (area of \u200b\u200bimprovement or difficulty)

3. Map of options and resources (generation and selection)

4. Action Plan (specific action plan)

5. Results (control and monitoring)

The first and second phases, the goal of coaching is to increase the level of consciousness (sensory and emotional) of training. This phase is crucial, because only we can control that of which we are aware, awareness empowers us to act.

In the third phase the aim is to involve the generation of alternatives and in creating an action plan (the plan). Finally only remains to establish how and when we evaluate the results.

What brings people and organizations?

in virtually all forums on management, leadership, intellectual capital, knowledge management, competencies, etc. is alluding to the need for organizations to evolve the role of the head to the facilitator. This results driven role but also to people, is much more in line with the organizations that are committed to lifelong learning. As Arie de Geus said: "The ability to learn faster than competitors is probably the only sustainable advantage." I think a large majority agree on this, but when you take the intentions and moves to think about the actions the question arises is how I can be a facilitator? Coaching allows

operational role that change in organizations, providing a structured and effective, allowing proper management performance and boost the development of potential employees.

is a way to impact on creativity and innovation throughout the organization while maintaining the focus of the coherence between: strategy, leadership, work organization and teams.

Source: facebook Corpogerencia
Giovanni Zozzaro

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Can We Use The Masterbution Cloth

speaking edges

two things: 1-
never sleep as good as when I travel to my home in Villa.
2-am fascinated with these illustrations Katy Horan.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Luggage Tag Disney Cruise

scene with a man who laughs

The man is sitting at the counter. Look out the window and then the rest of the peers. The light goes out gradually from the small desks located next to the window to the farthest. The electric lights on the latter, fall, and fall are not quite bad enough over the heads of two women and three men, one of them is the new kid who has entered ago little. The business logic is the newest place away from sources of distraction, whether the front door, the coffee machine or the window that faces the street. No one takes care of ventiluz overlooking the winter garden because they represent, and represent quite well, no one would be interested in the imperceptible growth of plants, no one would bother to watch the uncertain path of an ant and the flight of the recalcitrant spiders. While answering the phone
man on blue paper traces two opposing curved lines. He stops and smiles warmly at the insistence of the man who has the other side of the line. Recognizes, from the bottom rough but friendly voice, his uncle, the brother of her father with whom the family has not had contact in years, after a dispute over some land in Santa Fe. While the memories emerge, the man recognized in drawing a planet that would be Mercury, but more smooth and flat and surrounded by clouds. The lines are not touching so that land dimensions expand. The man says: "If you. Is responsible registered no problem, sir" and long laughter. It is a complete laugh all the teeth and failing to understand the distance and silence, but complete and excenta of evil, aimed squarely on the head probably bald uncle cane or stranger, exiled or litigated. While
laughs nervous moves in the swivel chair and up, from below, the pain of sprained ankle playing soccer a few days before, just as the world loses one of its poles because man has torn the paper. The uncle immediately cut the phone, offended and do not understand anything. The laughter keeps falling and bathe the infant head that leans on the counter man. The baby off the ground the blue paper to the South Pole of Mercury and delivers. Returns to her mother who is sitting in chairs, waiting their turn and squeezing the number 39.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Create Licence Application Java

start spotting.
the picture was terrible, the colors are a bit more here and a little further, but ... tension between the imagined and what is possible.

Best Base For Playset

travel list grocery list ready for the thesis

not ready for
list of names of places list

BOM list of qualifications
list of activities
inventory list enumerations

list of infinitives vertigo vertigo
list at all.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Invitation Wordings For Birthday Party Of Movie

Brief Interview with David Garvin on

begin the start of rebuilding a country
based on a culture
ancient tradition and innovation!

innovative health, then analyze and discuss in team work that we present, Quico a touch of figurative interview one of the key authors in the process of creativity, innovation and knowledge management:

References: David Garvin. (2000). "Learning in Action. A guide to putting the learning organization to work." USA: Edit. HBP

Innovargh Foundation (EF) .- Good day Dr. Garvin, right to the point: What is the situation you saw with respect to learning in organizations?

David Garvin (DG) .- Twofolds: first, organizations strive to set and announce the learning on a pedestal, but on the other hand, managers, short-term oriented, they claim to be learning that, alienates workers in the "real work." A creativity at work give you the different meaning, for example, Entrepreneurship and enterprising people.

Managers seek stability and predictability, and learning involves questioning, looking for new approaches, however, propose new working methods and processes. Then it is perceived as a threat. In this, leadership Learning starts with the executives, supervisors and managers of organizations.

Second, the scholars, as well as some "guru" of management have given a more academic focus to the topic of learning organizations. This has been uphill to materialize or action learning.

FI .- How focused and conceptualized the learning organization? Particularly

DG .- I have defined the learning organization as "an organization with the capacity to create, acquire, interpret, transfer and retain knowledge, and under one purpose, to modify their behavior to reflect new knowledge and insights "Pg 11. This means that managers must be able to interpret and give meaning to the data collected and structured to identify new ideas, trends and opportunities. The process does not end with the interpretation only, the knowledge also should be shared collectively. New ideas must be disseminated rapidly throughout the organization, not the privileged few. Knowledge eventually be part of organizational memory over time as policies, standards, procedures or strategic initiatives.

But most importantly, begin to incorporate changes in the way of doing the job, prior to any form of reflection. The idea is that the new knowledge into new forms of behavior.

FI .- How do I know if I work in an organization based on learning?

DG .- Respóndanse the following four (4) questions and checks:

1 .- My organization has defined a strategic agenda based business or learning?

2 .- In my organization are avoided mistakes and their consequences?

3 .- My organization works based on what we know? 4 .-

lose critical knowledge is essential when people quit or retire?

An organization desea convertirse en una organización que aprende puede iniciarse materializando los siguientes puntos:

a.- Identificar los retos estratégicos y las grandes oportunidades;

b.- Identificar lo que se necesita aprender para lograr los retos y oportunidades identificadas;

c.- Identificar y ejecutar la forma para adquirir las habilidades y conocimientos necesarios.

FI.- ¿Cuáles son los principales tipos de conocimiento?

DG.- Básicamente, en mi opinión, contamos con los siguientes: el obtenido a través del proceso de inteligencia competitiva del contexto externo con impacto en la organización; en segundo lugar, la experiencia acumulada, registrada y compartida through all and in third place, experimentation or testing prior to the application of new knowledge.

whole process of learning to action, whether through teaching and learning, creation of forums for learning, exploratory assignments, share training experiences, are based on modeling instillation and leadership to lead the process learn and unlearn to create and innovate.

FI .- Dr. Garvin, thank you very much!

Greetings and hope they have been useful,

Nadine Jansen Looking Miosotis


finish something. Clarice Lispector

Thursday, April 14, 2011

What Doeshair Gatsby Do

Action Learning Learning and knowledge as a basis for innovation

innovative Greetings!

This time we present a brief essay or rather a brief refresher of what we consider learning: Behavior Change. If after any process or training vivenvcial or pulse shaping managerial changes, behavioral change is absent, then there was never learning. Let us see:

Learning and Knowledge:

As a benchmark, the author will Ruben Ardila. (1982). Psychology of Learning. Edit. Siglo XXI. Pgs. 15-22; this author defines learning "as a relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs as a result of practice." This change is reflected or manifested in the implementation of process, events or facts that point to the innovation, and in turn is a result of use or use what they learned in practice.

In the organizational context Ikujisu authors Nonaka and Takeuchi Hirotaka (1995), argued that the creation of learning the company is an organizational capacity, based on the experience of trial and error, mental models and learning from others. Organizational knowledge creation is the ability of the company as a whole to create new knowledge, disseminate it throughout the organization and incorporate it into products and services.

addition, he argues that in organizations there is tacit knowledge (that knowledge not known by everyone, but each one is generated by reservation) and the explicit knowledge (knowledge that known and shared by all: manuals, documented experiences and learning that documented).

knowledge creation leads to continuous innovation and this in turn the development of competitive advantage. Reason, these authors emphasize that the ability to manage the "Knowledge-based intellect" (Intellect based on knowledge), is becoming the critical executive skill of this era.

authors Thomas Davenport and Laurence Prusak (1998) stress that knowledge is a seamless combination of experiences, values, contextual information and expert understanding which provides a framework for evaluating and incorporating new experiences and information, originated and implemented by the workers. In organizations, knowledge often is found not only in documents or repositories of information, but in the routines, rules (written and unwritten) and management practices.

In this sense, knowledge-generating activities include:

• Comparison of information.

• Identification of consequences.

• Connections between knowledge.

• Conversations.

knowledge into action to understand, then the following processes:

• Experience: provide a historical perspective from which to display new situations.

• Truths in real life (Ground Truth) is to know what really works in a particular work context: the golden rules.

• Management of complexity: the importance of experience and rules of thumb is an indication of the ability to deal with complexity.

• Generation of trials.

Davenport and Prusak suggest the following principles of knowledge management from a case study of British Petroleum:

• Knowledge originates and resides in the minds of people.

• Knowledge sharing requires trust.

• Technology makes possible new behaviors.

• Sharing knowledge should be encouraged and rewarded.

• Support and resource management is essential.

• Initiatives should start with a pilot program.

• is a need for qualitative and quantitative measures.

• Knowledge is creative and should be encouraged in unexpected ways.

In a more concrete way, the author David Garvin. (2000), argues that organizational learning requires an inquiry and openness, a willingness on the part of managers and decision makers to challenge the assumptions and attack the conventional wisdom and offers:

1 .- Acquisition: information, structure and organize facts, observations and data. Key questions:

- What information should we collect?

- Which source?

- How should be obtained and by whom?

2 .- Interpretation: to produce perspectives, positions and precise understanding: key questions:

- What is the meaning of information?

- What categories should I use?

- What cusa-effect relationship are operating?

3 .- use or application of information, engaging in tasks, activities and new behaviors. At this point, the analysis is translated into action. Crucial questions:

- What new activities are appropriate?

- What behaviors should be changed?

- How to generate a response collective from the organization?

Each of these stages brings its own tasks and challenges.

activities through which learning would materialize:

• Conduct competitive intelligence.

• Conduct research.

• Ask (identify opportunities, looking for answers.)

• Observe.

• Experience.

• Learn from experience.

• Explore.

These activities contribute to the innovation process and must be organized, managed and controlled. In this sense, the contribution of the authors Gilbert Probst, Steffen and Romhardt Raul Kai. (2001), is proposing guiding core processes for knowledge management:

- Identification of knowledge.

- Acquisition of knowledge.

- Development of knowledge.

- Sharing and developing knowledge.

- Use of knowledge.

- Retention of knowledge.

These authors come to propose an assessment tool for knowledge management using the above processes, suggesting the indicators for each. The product of this technique is to obtain the knowledge profile of an organization.

worth stressing that the management and direction of knowledge necessarily warrant an alignment or congruence between the dimensions of the model proposed in this document. Probst, Steffen and Romhardt. (2001) suggest that the profile should be consistent with the culture, technology, the measurement system and leadership.

An edge Additional management and knowledge management intends authors Arthur Yeung, Dave Ulrich, et all. (2000), with its model of learning organizations, the phases of these perspectives are:

1 .- generate ideas with impact: How did the company create an environment for learning that leads to continuous product innovation?

2 .- generalize ideas with impact: How do you share and apply knowledge employees throughout the organization?

3 .- Identify disabilities to learn: What are the obstacles and how to overcome?

The model does take into account the following dimensions and are described in Chapter III. Pg.66:

1. The business context.

2. The ability to learn.

3. Business Performance: Innovation and Competitiveness.

also 24 leading companies in various economic and industrial sectors in Venezuela support this contest: Chevron, SIDOR Cativen-SUCCESS, Empresas Polar, Procter & Gamble, Cargill, IBM, SUN Microsystems, El Nacional, El Universal, Globovision, Cadena Capriles, Inelectra , Electricidad de Caracas, Venoco, Accumulators Duncan Real Estate Securities Fund, Bolsa de Valores de Caracas, Farmatodo, SAP, Alfonzo Rivas, Packaging Venezolanos, GlobalQuimica and Ford Motors de Venezuela.

The second prize went CompuFácil, a proposal to provide personalized service based on the information technology needs the general public and small businesses. • The approach of a new pattern of production and marketing of large-scale Venezuelan snail under international regulations, took third prize. • Two initiatives received the Special Award for Social Entrepreneurship, awarded for the first time this year: one aimed at improving emotional state in hospitalized children through joy and laughter, and another aimed at reducing the illiteracy rate in the population with hearing impairment . • There were four special mentions: two ideas in the business category and two in social entrepreneurship. • The organizing committee reported that the call the fifth edition of the competition will be held between April and May 2007. For more information:

Any comments, we are at your service,

Greetings from Venezuela!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

What Is The Harley Saying?


When her children asked her to tell a story that began with "Once upon a time" said:
"There once was a pájaro.Dios mine."
I passed the data of the notice that appeared in page 12. I liked and I share them here .

"always was and will be a party for me at home when a thermometer breaks and releases mercury drop silver fat contained in it, that core untameable"

There, whenever I think of Clarice, a woman in a tram with shopping cart, vegetables and eggs that are broken, faces that stack and roll. Among the bodies of the passengers can see both pieces of the outside, no sun surely, is the mechanical activity of the morning. Women sit on his knees and stomach the harsh heat of the vegetables. Then in a moment, I knew then why not, break the eggs and oranges fall, people in the tram runs just a little leaving the woman surrounded by a slightly more cold air but strong as a carnival mask or bandage.

Some time later, one or two years later, I recovered, so to speak, the story. called "Love" and is included in Family Ties.
begins: "A little tired, buying new deforming the mesh bag, Ana boarded the tram. She put the bag on his knees and began to ride the tram. He leaned back then on the seat looking for comfort, almost with a sigh of satisfaction. "

Somehow, every time I read something of yours, this first scene reappears, mixed with my first scene, and the specific characters of each story fit together, and speak sing happy birthday, curse and get ready for dinner, unaware that have been crossed with Ana in the tram.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Ap Biology Lab 4 Plant Pigments Answers

Gabriel García Márquez: Utopia contrary

"Faced with this awesome reality that throughout human time must have seemed a utopia, inventors of tales, who will believe anything, feel entitled to believe that it is not too late to start development of the opposite utopia.

A new and sweeping utopia of life, where no one can decide for others how they die, which will prove true love and happiness be possible, and where the races condemned to one hundred years of solitude will have at last and forever a second opportunity on earth. " Gabriel García Márquez

. The solitude of Latin America.

Address to the Academy for the Nobel Prize

Mysore Mallige Blue Film Vidio

general manager and

(6) Greetings
tips on innovative leadership,

Below I discuss in brief summary, the study was conducted at the Institute of Business Studies (IESE) in Spain. The same was the result of conferences and interviews with 140 chairmen, chief executive officer (CEO), big bosses and the big goats (as they say here) for global companies in Europe. Todod it was in the framework of the seminar on Strategic Management who recently (2011) has just concluded and Professor: Dr. Al Khaimah LLobis. Then the following objectives that were proposed and were able to: 1 .-

appointment as CEO, set a clear agenda four (4) or five (5) objetvivos quality SMART (Simple, Measurable, engaging, challenging and time of completion)

2 .- Use wisely your network to realize their projects.

3 .- They created a healthy environment and adequate on which their agendas implemented, involving their people and their contacts.

4 .- Action: inclined to action, implementation, rather than reflection. COMMITMENT: RESULTS! Sometimes improvised to take advantage DOFAS (weaknesses / opportunities / strengths / threats), not seen in the strategy.


5 .- FUTURE: You guessed it (made a great effort to see where they walked their results or business model adapted to the needs of its customers.

6 .- PEOPLE / PEOPLE: It pains to communicate with most or all team members with whom they shared, clarified and instilled the company's strategy. Methodology used: managing by walking around. That Thus, all rowing in the same direction. Take

then, these tips as well apply to foster innovation.

Until next time,

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Welding Goggles Home Depo


shortly in the forest.