: Language, emotion and physicality.
a life tool for achieving goals that were previously
ideas or expectations.
You make the world go by what you say, feel and do!
is like a rope, in spite of the waves, the boat remains safe. Greetings
is like a rope, in spite of the waves, the boat remains safe. Greetings
But .... What is coaching? What is the essence of the model? What brings people and organizations? Are some questions that I imagine, can be any person who does not know and try to answer in this article
What is coaching?
Coaching is a model that aims to develop the potential of individuals, methodically structured and effective. The principles on which it is based are:
• Coaching focuses on future possibilities, not the mistakes of the past or current performance.
• To get the best out of people, the coach must believe in its potential. Our beliefs about the capabilities of the others have a direct impact on their performance.
• Coaching works on the basis of a relationship of trust and confidentiality maintained between the coach and the trainee.
• The trained not learn from the coach, but whether it stimulated by the coach. Although it is sometimes not easy, the coach should avoid transferring their experience to trained, since if it did, would violate one of the basic principles of coaching.
As Goethe said:
"The best thing to do for others is not to teach your riches but to make them see their own"
The methods of coaching with those usually involved in organizations are:
• Coaching Custom (development sessions managers)
• Coaching group (dynamization of equipment)
Coaching Training (skills development coach).
individual coaching sessions or executive development to help address situations of potential or development managers. The most common reasons for intervention are usually: decision making, conflict, stress, fundraising, skills development, support promotions, etc..
group coaching sessions are intended to stimulate a group of people or managers. The most common interventions include: problem solving, creativity sessions, conflicts, etc.. Finally
training activities in coaching can develop in the participants (managers and directors) for the responsibilities of coach who can promote the potential of their employees and improve performance. Interventions can be structured and formal when establishing a specific framework, informal when the coach takes advantage of everyday opportunities to use the model. And we can also use the methodology to our own self (Autocoaching).
What is the essence of the model?
Our results are a consequence of our actions or behaviors, and these in turn, are a reflection of our thoughts. Performance improvement occurs when we enrich our mental models and can generate new responses.
The essence of coaching goes to enrich the trainee's mental model (as a subject observer and promoter of their restlessness, their beliefs, values \u200b\u200band mental maps), increasing their level of awareness and facilitating the transition to action. All these questions and based on descriptive or non-evaluative feedback. The sequence might be:
1. Location of the desired (target)
2. Description of the current situation (area of \u200b\u200bimprovement or difficulty)
3. Map of options and resources (generation and selection)
4. Action Plan (specific action plan)
5. Results (control and monitoring)
The first and second phases, the goal of coaching is to increase the level of consciousness (sensory and emotional) of training. This phase is crucial, because only we can control that of which we are aware, awareness empowers us to act.
In the third phase the aim is to involve the generation of alternatives and in creating an action plan (the plan). Finally only remains to establish how and when we evaluate the results.
What brings people and organizations?
in virtually all forums on management, leadership, intellectual capital, knowledge management, competencies, etc. is alluding to the need for organizations to evolve the role of the head to the facilitator. This results driven role but also to people, is much more in line with the organizations that are committed to lifelong learning. As Arie de Geus said: "The ability to learn faster than competitors is probably the only sustainable advantage." I think a large majority agree on this, but when you take the intentions and moves to think about the actions the question arises is how I can be a facilitator? Coaching allows
operational role that change in organizations, providing a structured and effective, allowing proper management performance and boost the development of potential employees.
is a way to impact on creativity and innovation throughout the organization while maintaining the focus of the coherence between: strategy, leadership, work organization and teams.
Source: facebook Corpogerencia
Giovanni Zozzaro
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