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El título This message is a statement that implies different requirements. Again, innovation is changing. We argue that innovation is a process that has the technological and from the social, comes ultimately to the people. that is, innovation is a social process (see: Mary Cervilla (2002).. The social innovation process. Venezuela. Series: Papers. Edic. Cendes). But this means carrying out a series of prior actions in organizations or companies who choose to strategically deploy its management based on innovation, or at least run some innovative corporate action.
then we will discuss three (3) critical alerts. First, from the context strategic business decision, analyze the dynamics of the market in which they operate. It is stressed that if your market has a high degree and stability, pridictibilidad, "that these fluctuations are not." It is advisable to be creative and innovative with an emphasis on the efficiency of processes and internal resources. But, to be highly unstable, complex, competing either in the technological, economic and others, then it is advisable to continuous innovation in products and services or to change the rules of the market in which it operates. (We recommend reading Javier Perez-Freije, Ellen Enkel. "Creative Tension in the Innovation Process: How to Support the Right capabilities". In: European Management Journal. Vol 25, No. 1, pp.11-24, 2007.
Second, and much earlier to inform, to involve the innovation process for members or partners or employees or simply your workers!. We hold that one is part of a plan that helped to build. This makes the emergence of a shared commitment that comes with change. In turn, enables them to decide whether to continue in the process of change or decide to leave. Here comes the management and retention of talent (human strategy of innovation).
Thirdly, following in connection with the second warning, people start generating creativity and innovation. That is, those in first. An information strategy and training to members of the company is key. This makes the director of human resource management support and participate in the design of the human strategy to innovate, along with the directors of the core processes involved. This has to do with the strategies, policies and retention of talent. Note that in this issue of human strategy that supports innovation, they will encounter the eternal dilemma between quality and equality. That is, have little or excellence of the aspirations of many.
In any case, a stock strategist of talent management in public and private organizations is, first alignment of people management strategy: Strategic Directions - goals - values \u200b\u200b(cooperation, solidarity, creativity, improvement) - skills (teamwork, high-performance, assertive communication, creativity and innovation - continuous improvement)
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