leave things
"Things in the lower Parana feel," says Lucia. For things here below, some begun in the ParanĂ¡ and more later, are high as a nest of chickens and in between and among all low and high and ways you can be. Is the house with the door open and the heat does not come out, a hot fish occupying the rooms and the kitchen with only the freshest sides, is the open house and many people going in and coming out, and two images: a trite, an old gentleman in an empty carousel, the lights of the plaza at night are twice as green vegetation during the day single-reverb, the other less so: two men enter the village, make a well, broken holding down the tiles and a light, kind of blazing light, and we need to forget about the pipes and explanations, are two men who come into the village and know the pot size and purpose of their mission. There is a funny situation (many, but now this one): Three guys go into the sizable booth in which we expect to prepare a sandwich, one notices that come from exercising because they are sweaty and slow to recover immobility, a them, while two troubled breathing, requests three pieces of gum, a grape, please. 3 gum.
There is also a trip to the museum. If someone took me years to meet him, as if it were a fundamental point platense geography, this time it was me who was driving, just barely, to another person. The museum is made by a child-applied-to school, demos, posters, ways of presenting information. Stuffed animals, however, serve a much more subtle in order to reproduce the looks and poses, community life, times and flight hunting, but where one is certain of being late to Despite the glass eye so convincing, the soft fur or wild gesture.
The ParanĂ¡ is as if the silver could be on the banks of the river, and Rio IV may lead to the sea but we Cortazar as long ceased. At crosses. No magician or bridge or anything. More than one would commit suicide if I had to reread Rayuela. There are just people who carry the river or with sufficient knowledge of others.
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