Merida State Mérida Venezuela
In this continuous process of updating and research in the context of innovation networks, I found an interesting paper by Professor Belinda Colina Arenas Elena de la Universidad del Zulia (LUZ) entitled: "Red socio development of societal capacities PropiedadSocial Innovation in Business in Venezuela"
"One of the signs of our times is the network society. A society marked by the possibility that individuals communicate, exchange ideas, information and resources regardless of distance. The networks which are a spontaneous result of the association and in turn feed on these, are needed to promote self-help, to exchange information and knowledge, improve the quality of production and increase productivity, share resources and create new economies of scale Zabala, (2007). Many benefits have been recognized by various specialists in the area to productive social networks, which could provide fertile ground for the outcome of umúltiples innovative processes in various companies.
therefore the possibility to generate CSI in the EPS. Certainly, there have been many benefits derived from productive partner networks for innovation and potential that they engage in the current era of flexible production, marked by the lighter production, reduction in size, the assignment of tasks to suppliers captives (Outsourcing) and the growing importance of production networks espacialmente extensivas Harrison, 1997). Escenario este que podría abrir las compuertas al surgimiento y consolidación, no como modelo secundario o alternativo de desarrollo, sino de un nuevo paradigma socioproductivo en emergencia, con vistas a constituirse en dominante, signado por la cooperación, equidad, democracia y solidaridad hacia el ser humano en primera instancia. En este caso el establecimiento de redes socioproductivas así como las CSI que puedan gestarse en las EPS venezolanas, se convierten en un salvoconducto que permitiría el afianzamiento de ese modelo.
Entre las bondades de las redes socioproductivas pueden contarse, que estas resultan una alternativa eficiente para hacer frente a gastos purchases of raw materials and financing difficulties, with regard to compliance with the obligations arising from increases in interest rates on loans, especially for small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, among others.
Additionally, you can check how are you helping the upgrade in the technology to companies that have weaknesses in this area. André and Rego (2003) claim that the relational dimension of territorial development matrix is \u200b\u200bassociated with individual and collective training of human capital with a view to the creation of networks that provide the right conditions for exercise of the empowerment of the weaker players, strengthening their opportunities, which depend on the capacity for innovation and the sense of multi membership. From there, to train human capital deserves structural changes, led to the creation of individual and collective capacities endogenous to find new sustainable solutions to their problems.
Through socio networking companies share resources, reduce risks and make joint projects, while maintaining their competitive advantage Bakaikoa, et al, (2004). Relationships, linkages and complementarities that a business organization established with other actors can take different forms, namely: user-producer linkages, clusters, industrial districts, subcontracting relationships, alliances and other strategic technology. Similarly their goals may be different such as collection and exchange of technological information and market intelligence, carrying out innovation efforts in partnership, joint exploitation of market opportunities and others.
Thus the growing importance of linkages and partnerships that lead to technological linkages between firms, requires different actors to become part of networks that provide availability of knowledge generated and innovations for their survival and development, Latin American Network of Science and Technology Indicators RICYT et al, (2001).
Among the advantages derived from the ability of partnerships between companies Coriat,
(1992) points out several elements that highlight the potential socio networks. As for the technical consultation and technology transfer this author specifies among the most common include:
1) Consultation on the transfer of manufacturing. The company gives a portion of their teams or participate in defining specific equipment purchases. The ability The company offers technical support for the election, the domain and commissioning of equipment in small and medium industry.
2) Repair and interchangeability of tools which enables the movement of tools according to load plans of the respective companies as well as provisions in case of repairs necessitated by an interruption of production.
3) And finally the technical consensus, which is projected in two senses: the subcontractor or partner acting under the condition of strict adherence to specifications and quality standards that emanate from the grantor. In this case the conclusion concerning manufacturing methods and control. But the member can take the initiative to propose improvements to processes and products, namely innovation.
According to Peña, (2006) productive cooperation networks are characterized by harnessing the cooperative relations between the participants, making use of some technologies in their production processes, which need not be cutting-edge technologies, primarily seeking synergies with the tacit knowledge base accumulated by the producers to sustainably increase their productivity, ensuring their markets, but through cooperative relationships and solidarity, rather than using competitive mechanisms that tend to rivalries.
The result translates into increased resources available to businesses and communities and improving the quality of life of these. Is the momentum through this network of associative logic of cooperation within win win relationship more into line with the objectives of the EPS. Additionally, according to the collective logic of belonging that emerges from the network and feeds, is that there is the real possibility of developing "collective patents, based on empirical knowledge, tacit and explicit partners and network members and the links of these networks are woven Fonte (2000).
As stated in Law for the Promotion and Development of Small and Medium Industries and other units of social property 2008 as the Draft Law on Social Property, 2009, can be found on these devices explicit legal signs announcing the building of networks.
However, intentions may be laudable, however, this task may prove ineffective, but clearly states how socio operate a network in the EPS. As in the case of SMEs, given their socio essentially humanitarian sense and social commitment, socio networks acquire other nuances and additional results and cases other than those that could be achieved in cutting capitalist enterprises.
So how are you companies not only respond to an economic objective, as it is distributed among its members the proceeds of its gain equal respect in direct proportion to the productive effort rather than obey the investment effort capital. But the EPS have a strong commitment to the development of the territory and its inhabitants, as well as the most pressing needs of these and therefore exerted productive partnerships for innovation development objectives obey CSI versatile and not just an economic logic.
In connection therewith, and to reinforce and increase the links, which are promoted from the EPS, between these and other state and private companies and public bodies, we propose a set of operational criteria for achieving efficiency and effectiveness of networks to generate and strengthen socio CSI.
additional issue to include other actors such as those associated with the science, technology and innovation, considering that the social actor is possessed of scientific knowledge accumulated complex, which is core for the purpose of advancing the intricate production processes and production stages to achieve more complicated, according to the characteristics and production requirements of each company, either in their products, processes, organizational or service delivery.
Similarly communities are included as these are the main reason for the EPS, users and customers in general as part of the network, as sources of information and knowledge and potential applicants innovations. This is achieved not only consolidate a real socio-network, but to create and operationalize a network for innovation innovative and associations, you can collective patents eventually produce innovation, just as collective use. This requires root out selfishness and individualism, these essential characteristics that promote competitive rivalry and exclusion capitalists
In this sense innovation networks:
- {spec ific focus sets of actors and economic activities
- He favors joint research between companies and between them and other actors
- From the flow of knowledge (including tacit knowledge)
- From the foundations of learning processes for creating productive capacities, and innovative organizational
- The importance of geographical proximity and historical identity, institutional, social and cultural diversity and as sources of sustainable competitive advantage and appropriated by other networks of innovation. Socially useful knowledge
- Projected economic performance oriented appropriate use of economic resources, ie according to the needs of the community.