Sunday, March 27, 2011

Brent Corrigan Brent Everett Vid

Innovation Networks The importance of socio in Venezuela

Merida State Mérida Venezuela

innovative Greetings!

In this continuous process of updating and research in the context of innovation networks, I found an interesting paper by Professor Belinda Colina Arenas Elena de la Universidad del Zulia (LUZ) entitled: "Red socio development of societal capacities PropiedadSocial Innovation in Business in Venezuela"

"One of the signs of our times is the network society. A society marked by the possibility that individuals communicate, exchange ideas, information and resources regardless of distance. The networks which are a spontaneous result of the association and in turn feed on these, are needed to promote self-help, to exchange information and knowledge, improve the quality of production and increase productivity, share resources and create new economies of scale Zabala, (2007). Many benefits have been recognized by various specialists in the area to productive social networks, which could provide fertile ground for the outcome of umúltiples innovative processes in various companies.
therefore the possibility to generate CSI in the EPS. Certainly, there have been many benefits derived from productive partner networks for innovation and potential that they engage in the current era of flexible production, marked by the lighter production, reduction in size, the assignment of tasks to suppliers captives (Outsourcing) and the growing importance of production networks espacialmente extensivas Harrison, 1997). Escenario este que podría abrir las compuertas al surgimiento y consolidación, no como modelo secundario o alternativo de desarrollo, sino de un nuevo paradigma socioproductivo en emergencia, con vistas a constituirse en dominante, signado por la cooperación, equidad, democracia y solidaridad hacia el ser humano en primera instancia. En este caso el establecimiento de redes socioproductivas así como las CSI que puedan gestarse en las EPS venezolanas, se convierten en un salvoconducto que permitiría el afianzamiento de ese modelo.

Entre las bondades de las redes socioproductivas pueden contarse, que estas resultan una alternativa eficiente para hacer frente a gastos purchases of raw materials and financing difficulties, with regard to compliance with the obligations arising from increases in interest rates on loans, especially for small, medium enterprises and cooperatives, among others.

Additionally, you can check how are you helping the upgrade in the technology to companies that have weaknesses in this area. André and Rego (2003) claim that the relational dimension of territorial development matrix is \u200b\u200bassociated with individual and collective training of human capital with a view to the creation of networks that provide the right conditions for exercise of the empowerment of the weaker players, strengthening their opportunities, which depend on the capacity for innovation and the sense of multi membership. From there, to train human capital deserves structural changes, led to the creation of individual and collective capacities endogenous to find new sustainable solutions to their problems.

Through socio networking companies share resources, reduce risks and make joint projects, while maintaining their competitive advantage Bakaikoa, et al, (2004). Relationships, linkages and complementarities that a business organization established with other actors can take different forms, namely: user-producer linkages, clusters, industrial districts, subcontracting relationships, alliances and other strategic technology. Similarly their goals may be different such as collection and exchange of technological information and market intelligence, carrying out innovation efforts in partnership, joint exploitation of market opportunities and others.

Thus the growing importance of linkages and partnerships that lead to technological linkages between firms, requires different actors to become part of networks that provide availability of knowledge generated and innovations for their survival and development, Latin American Network of Science and Technology Indicators RICYT et al, (2001).

Among the advantages derived from the ability of partnerships between companies Coriat,
(1992) points out several elements that highlight the potential socio networks. As for the technical consultation and technology transfer this author specifies among the most common include:

1) Consultation on the transfer of manufacturing. The company gives a portion of their teams or participate in defining specific equipment purchases. The ability The company offers technical support for the election, the domain and commissioning of equipment in small and medium industry.

2) Repair and interchangeability of tools which enables the movement of tools according to load plans of the respective companies as well as provisions in case of repairs necessitated by an interruption of production.

3) And finally the technical consensus, which is projected in two senses: the subcontractor or partner acting under the condition of strict adherence to specifications and quality standards that emanate from the grantor. In this case the conclusion concerning manufacturing methods and control. But the member can take the initiative to propose improvements to processes and products, namely innovation.

According to Peña, (2006) productive cooperation networks are characterized by harnessing the cooperative relations between the participants, making use of some technologies in their production processes, which need not be cutting-edge technologies, primarily seeking synergies with the tacit knowledge base accumulated by the producers to sustainably increase their productivity, ensuring their markets, but through cooperative relationships and solidarity, rather than using competitive mechanisms that tend to rivalries.

The result translates into increased resources available to businesses and communities and improving the quality of life of these. Is the momentum through this network of associative logic of cooperation within win win relationship more into line with the objectives of the EPS. Additionally, according to the collective logic of belonging that emerges from the network and feeds, is that there is the real possibility of developing "collective patents, based on empirical knowledge, tacit and explicit partners and network members and the links of these networks are woven Fonte (2000).

As stated in Law for the Promotion and Development of Small and Medium Industries and other units of social property 2008 as the Draft Law on Social Property, 2009, can be found on these devices explicit legal signs announcing the building of networks.

However, intentions may be laudable, however, this task may prove ineffective, but clearly states how socio operate a network in the EPS. As in the case of SMEs, given their socio essentially humanitarian sense and social commitment, socio networks acquire other nuances and additional results and cases other than those that could be achieved in cutting capitalist enterprises.

So how are you companies not only respond to an economic objective, as it is distributed among its members the proceeds of its gain equal respect in direct proportion to the productive effort rather than obey the investment effort capital. But the EPS have a strong commitment to the development of the territory and its inhabitants, as well as the most pressing needs of these and therefore exerted productive partnerships for innovation development objectives obey CSI versatile and not just an economic logic.

In connection therewith, and to reinforce and increase the links, which are promoted from the EPS, between these and other state and private companies and public bodies, we propose a set of operational criteria for achieving efficiency and effectiveness of networks to generate and strengthen socio CSI.

additional issue to include other actors such as those associated with the science, technology and innovation, considering that the social actor is possessed of scientific knowledge accumulated complex, which is core for the purpose of advancing the intricate production processes and production stages to achieve more complicated, according to the characteristics and production requirements of each company, either in their products, processes, organizational or service delivery.

Similarly communities are included as these are the main reason for the EPS, users and customers in general as part of the network, as sources of information and knowledge and potential applicants innovations. This is achieved not only consolidate a real socio-network, but to create and operationalize a network for innovation innovative and associations, you can collective patents eventually produce innovation, just as collective use. This requires root out selfishness and individualism, these essential characteristics that promote competitive rivalry and exclusion capitalists

In this sense innovation networks:
- {spec ific focus sets of actors and economic activities
- He favors joint research between companies and between them and other actors
- From the flow of knowledge (including tacit knowledge)
- From the foundations of learning processes for creating productive capacities, and innovative organizational
- The importance of geographical proximity and historical identity, institutional, social and cultural diversity and as sources of sustainable competitive advantage and appropriated by other networks of innovation. Socially useful knowledge
- Projected economic performance oriented appropriate use of economic resources, ie according to the needs of the community.

Anime Tongue Piercings

yes, I agree on this

(for lack of faisbuk, Cholula and sentimental entry to the blog)
Where once stood a carousel is now a source of water. The square changes appearance Roca (soon be renamed).
There are people who marries, moves happily, patios, balconies and small children. I went to Rio IV
and as usual I was the rain, but also friends, home Ceci unmistakable, with its plants and painted shoes. I met the legendary Carolina Cienfuegos and a little more to Dariya. I joined Veronkis and Noe, and Ramirez, Juli and Fran.
people get married, although some of us seem so strange, and most importantly is that you choose and want. Anita
and diego, all the happiness!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Does Wearing A Tight Underwear


was long but I was dragging the urge to write.

light comes from the window. It's just a rectangular window should be the laundry, judging by the clothes hanging rope outside, and which barely fit a pair of socks and a shirt. The light just turned off. My sister on the phone and sits facing the balcony. Always speaking his face split into two halves, first part of the mouth, active and wet, forming the words clearly so that they enter, one by one, in the handset, and another his eyes, after spinning around the room, stay fixed at some point in the exterior, as if they were away from the chain of speech that occurs a few centimeters own. The nose part, in any way, on both sides, straight, hard up, going down to become agile, widens when taking the air and relaxes when released, following the movement of the mouth and letting sound out. It seems unreal all that it says my sister because she is on the other hand, there but elsewhere, will not yet known what, as it leaves the couple and even eloquent speech as short stays suspended on the apparatus, as in those moments between the end of a musical work and the avalanche of applause, where the past still resonate notes and even musicians hold their instruments as if they were to continue, and remains, and then unifies the face, so say, and communication is restored between the two parties.
From here I hear someone cut vegetables on wooden board. Is a constant sound breaks the silence and occasionally is interrupted by another, which I assume is the sound when you move the knife blade over the wood, sweeping up the pieces cut, so they fall on a plate. I think theater, the falling knife again and again, someone pretending to cut. Carrots may be invisible, also the plate. The important thing is to note that there is a presence, someone who cut with a knife and consistently hitting a table. The display says that someone, another with a knife, and and cutting a zucchini invisible could also do something else. However, in the house, the possible meanings are reduced. Julian is certainly something biting or cutting cheese. Is slow to do things in the house, is distracted. However, when you bring the table with the cheese or bits of what you are cutting, you know that was him because every piece is perfect, not bigger or smaller than the other, and together form an orderly architecture. Place the table in the center of the coffee table, under the spotlight, and we will see, without waiting for approval or gratitude, just stepping up, with his eyes, which is already evident. After will sink into the couch and say she's not hungry, waiting for him elsewhere, but will stay a good while and end up eating even more than us, always taking the bits that are closer to the edge of the table, leaving the center of the cheese house, bored, unchanged. We sat
always more or less the same, but rozándonos inadvertently disturb us. My sister supports his left knee on the leg of Julian and he supports the principle pain because you laugh, then you take the knee and makes a gesture of reverence, he passes a hand underneath and hold it in the air. Among the hollow of his palm and the hollow of the back of the knee to form a both feel warm air. Julian shows me knee and I approve. After gently downward to attach to his right knee. My sister laughs and becomes the victim. Run to sit beside me and stared. It is more or less always the same sequence, only changing the characters and body parts involved.
The light has again turned on, a hand snaps open and free clothing. The arm stretches to reach it. Is illuminated by the yellow bulb located at the top of the window. A moment is suspended and then resumed the task. At the end are six plastic clips of different colors and the string moves by the recent activity. The hand is no longer but the light continues on. I wait in vain for something to happen because I know it is over the window function. Julian hugs me from behind. It is held balanced on the tip of his feet as his knees, and breathe on my neck. I smell and forward his head to his chest, towards the base of the neck where two bones lie down horizontally. Always attract attention and goes to the little hole that forms in the middle, holding two fingers of his right hand and slowly sinks while I kiss the face of the other side. I demand to do nothing until you turn off the light again. It is an instant decision while necessary, is to be inside and out. Julian loses his balance and feel of your body weight on my back. I do not know why I come to mind a picture of the beach at seven in the evening, the arena stood a blue or gray gnats that were hovering six inches of soil and soon returned to the sand almost in a tailspin, and the movement were little holes that were closed as the body of the flies are going deeper into the soil. Then if you look carefully, could be distinguished from the wings between the grains of sand and a tiny movement of food work. My sister's theory was that there still flies, insects that live below ever would not rise to the surface, and therefore simulated a withdrawal and remained flying overhead, "as if "they had gone, but then returned and attacked the little things that have risen to fresh air. I tormented the life of the band flies out just eight inches, ten up to the maximum of ten down, where they lived their prey, and the limbo of sand where they slept.
Julian knows that distracted me, but does so in spite of me. I close my eyes and anticipate the places you pass on your hands, gradually increasing breathing, profanity not tell me or tell me later when they do not cause any effect. We know everything in advance and even a slight change bother us, is like something forced, a pose. I stop and I demand to do nothing until the light turns off the rectangular window of the building opposite. The hand clothes wisely released the clips should have turned off the light, it would have closed in a more blatant, rampant image of the window. Julian kisses my neck and slowly opens her legs. With his free hand up my shirt and her bra. I think it starts to miss my lack of reaction. Try turning me but can not, I stand looking out the window. Does not insist and stays a few seconds behind me, not knowing what to do. I know, but not looking, the face which is almost touching my hair but as if we were to great distance and suddenly we started to yell in unknown languages. I come then another image, this time not because we have lived, but because it is inevitable. We're both in the bathtub, staring, the water is half cold and soap crust has formed on the surface around us the body and unwinds in islets. Below the water is more dense and retains a bit of heat. If at first you just enter the two in the bathtub and is impossible not to rub the legs even though we sit in each of the ends, then we have plenty of water, we have plenty of space and time. The tub is expanding and we are getting further away until they see each other again. It is an image, nothing more, tell me which is an image and even trite and Frida Kahlo to Australian film and how much more art film. However, in the bathtub Julian has the same face that now stands on his neck stiff and alert, and that comes to my hair and out to my face. Is or was the same face as kiss and play with his left hand, though not necessarily sustainable, just because I like it. Back then to separate the legs, now every movement is precise and is a gesture of affirmation or conquest, a way to go erasing the face you left behind, still beating against my hair. Neither the hair emerges window or anything, the light on my head, snaps on face and hand of Julian that opens up and removes her panties aside and goes, first with one finger, then two and stays a few seconds, feeling the moisture that grows and fills the hand of a thick, warm aura.
Never mind that the hand has gone out the window, perhaps to control the temperature of the night, or exercising a greeting vague, nothing, air. The light turns off. On my body body naked Julian, afternoon, and restarts. There was a moment of not knowing, and perhaps that is now being penetrated me without knowing where or how your face has become tangled in my hair. What is known is the logic of motion, heat and sweat, the pain rising from behind and persists as long as he or I are looking for a fund that could be reached. The light from the window lights. Would be perverse to continue the game would be like to drown end face is back there, between the pillow and my head, like a ghost who speaks in another language and yells while Julian up there, lost in his own pleasure. I think, how far we are from the other when everyone is preoccupied, at the foot of the abyss and falling, each one, so alone. The hand extends a wet towel, open one of the snaps and hangs from one end, also takes half and hang them to finish quickly to accommodate the other loose end of the towel. We are, however, as far as when we push with the knee or elbows on the coffee table. I mean, Julian completed and is still in a few seconds. Thus, with its relatively large body, it nevertheless seems a spider just died. I'm relaxed. I finish taking off my clothes I had been misplaced and I run to the driest place on the bed.

Ford Lease Pull Ahead 2010

forming creativity and innovation. One reason for .. Organizational Development Techniques

innovative Greetings!

was in these days with a colleague from the service's Training and Human Resource Development of an important Venezuelan organization.
I commented this meeting, derivendo three (3) learning:

1 .- The ECOM (prefer: economism):

I have time I hear that a capitalist economy, neo-capitalism, market economy is coming or is already going through the plane to his downfall, others and say we're in a tailspin. Is what has brought poverty, poverty and more poverty. Moreover, I'm reading an interesting book authors Raich and Dolan (2009). "Beyond. Business and Society in a silent in transformation. "Barcelona: Profit.

What these authors tell us: .. Today our lives are dominated by the" economism ", which means that únicamante care about things that yield economic value. It is a substitute ideology . motivadapor is mere greed of things. This attitude can be seen many times in the last stage of civilization. It is clearly the sign of the end of capitalism as we've seen over the last century "...

In our country, Venezuela, is also a slogan at the political debate (capitalism, neoliberalism, the market economy is in full decline and I comment, poverty, insecurity, unemployment, abandonment of many areas: family, children, school dropouts, that is, a car market of problems we face, not only here but in many of Latin American countries.
But tell them that I started my preparation towards the understanding of how things are going. It is imperative to study, learn, investigate China. Cutting purely communist, but look at you from the keyboard that serves as a vehicle for me to communicate with you, sewing needles are in the sewing machine at home, toothbrushes, machinery, all electronic equipment of high, medium and low technology (the yoyo), are manufactured in China.

be that the issue is know to take advantage of the global market economy for the benefit of the country and its people, or a mask. What is certain is that the contemporary situation of China is of great interest because in the past three decades, its development model has led to spectacular economic growth and social change of great importance.

As an example, consider the following facts. During the period 1978-2006, China achieved an average annual growth of 9.6% in gross domestic product (GDP). In the last thirty years China's real GDP multiplied thirteen times, its real GDP per capita nine times and real consumption per capita more than six times. According to the World Bank, China contributed 0.5 percentage points to world economic growth of 3.9% in 2006.

If you want to know more, simply stroll into China Statistical Yearbook, various issues. National Bureau of Statstics just see this website:

2 .- However, there are people who tell us that not everything is of such magnitude because sometimes we forget that the most exalted of the importance we give to things, people, nature, life, these two: money and capital are means, not ends in themselves; are only substitutes, are values \u200b\u200bfree replacement or own intrinsic values. We provide access to goods and services. People, that is, we center our lives on money and capital, we are deceiving ourselves. We live a life replacement.

One option: to move toward self, so when we see our business activities, products and services that Bride or buy, the questions to be answered at this time is: do make our lives happier, easier, healthier, more enjoyable?, "improve our quality of life?, as the authors note Mario Raich Simon Dolan (2009). "Beyond. Business and society in a world of transformation." Barcelona: Editorial Profit. 3 .-

nustra friend back to training and development and asked where concentrated efforts on developing the skills of its people, I just said to the powers that make us more competitive, innovative, best, to contribute directly to revenue and profitability. What? .- The usual. My second question

was, then, do you have unstedes a program, course, workshop, activities of recognition for creativity, initiative of the people?

His response was facing arrba, like looking for a vine to bear to answer. After a while, entering reason and conscience of sincerity, he answers, "Truth can not remember having participated, seen, heard or spoken in a training session, some training in creativity, problem solving in a creative, a course or talk of those who name: Thinking Outside the box or something.

In this regard, I urge, I demand, ask, ask, invite you to strategists in organizations; and its talented development team, have now to consider training on creativity, problem solving, a talk or internal workshops on "Creativity and technological innovation in socially and environmentally responsible economy as well as" be creative, be synergistic.

Until next

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Puppies Urine Is Like Water

-Explain your dog roses and red skies.
G. "Look, is that dogs like to go unnoticed, and inadvertently ... the rhythmic movement of their legs, they take flight. -Explain
then dogs on roofs, the chimneys.
G. "That's simple, it is a dog that is tired. -Explain
the fatigue of a dog.
G. "You know better than anyone that loved dogs are curious and in love, and are able to walk blocks and blocks a dog chasing a bug, a ball. It is natural to get tired. And once
-up? Explain what happens to the dog.
G. "That can not be known, someone will end up looking like a small horse, probably another mouth was open and start merging with the sky as well, without the dog to realize anything. Another down, or be hidden behind a tree.

(G. E. Interview on the chimney of Mrs. Camille Cotter, 1867)

Monday, March 14, 2011

Thriller Bark Nami Nuda

to innovate 1

OD contribute. is drawn to guide the action plan and implementation
determines result.
therefore applies: 100% quality in design and
100% quality implementation .. However
: dunk the ball? Greetings


This time I present a brief essay in the first part in the field of Organizational Development:
Intervention Organizational Change Process.

usually in the field of organizational development when planned actions are taken to resolve situations, restore or reset conditions to boost effectiveness and organizational health, as well as to support the business strategy based on research and development, creativity and innovation, is used word organizational intervention. " It should be understood as a process of organizational consulting, far from being a recipe to conduct audits and to determine and influence the progress of a process of organizational change such as those mentioned above.
Actually not. But our role as facilitators, advisers, consultants in organizational change processes and organizational development, is to intervene and use techniques that are consistent on one side with our principles and professional values \u200b\u200band on the other side with the exchange rate which we seek support or professional help.

The breadth of the subject is such that necessarily requires refine and clarify some aspects. We have chosen the following areas:

1. interventions

What do we mean by intervention?

What are our early intervention?

What are the criteria for differentiating interventions?

2. processes

What are the characteristics of processes?

Why is the balance between structure and process is important?

What are the characteristics of change processes

3. organizational change

Who wants to change and why?

What are the characteristics of organizational changes

How to manage resistance in change processes? (See previous essay on this blog)

then give some clues to guide them in this regard:

1. Organizational interventions

changes require assistance organizations. Directed toward an innovative organization is one of these changes of strategy.
Interventions may arise from within or outside the organization. Interventions are procedures through which influenced or guided the behavior of a person, group of persons or an organization.

An intervention directly based on a decision of the Board, for example, may be the change of organizational structure, developing a new product or service, the implementation of a personnel assessment tool or building a new headquarters.

But a working meeting of a head with its partners is an intervention because it changes the social system. Following this approach we can see that in our role of facilitator (s), advisor (a), consultant (a) intervene with the simple fact of being present, since this changes the "subjective theory" of the members of an organization ( What is your mission?).

What we do and what we do is an intervention in the strict sense of the word. Within our professional field when it comes to intervention is a deliberate act, when we want to achieve something on purpose. Is deliberately planned and together with the parties involved. "Swim is part of a plan that helped build"

However, the impact of an intervention does not depend on the underlying intentions of the person involved, but the rules of self-direction to which this system directed.

This means that we can be clear about what we want with intervention, but do not know what will be the effect of the intervention.

The fact dismiss a team member may have very different consequences. Might lead to a significant improvement in the "social system" (everyone is happy that the person is no longer part of the team) and also can lead to a significant deterioration (eg the fear that this means the beginning of a string of layoffs .)
In like manner, when instumentación facilitates creativity techniques such as home design and implementation of work processes aimed at generating new products and services for the organization.

interventions, whether internal or external, direct or indirect, describe what you do, but not what you get as a result.

This implication is important because with our interventions can not influence social systems linearly. "A God pleading, but with the hammer"

professional Under the facilitation of change processes, we can identify two important aspects:

a. Professional intervention should be based on an assumption

b. Observation and interpretation of the effects of our intervention determines our new hypothesis and our next operation.

is valid at this stage, observe: the language, the physicality (even micro body movements. We recommend that U.S. authorities felt the series "Lie to me" or Lie), and emotionality that is emerging for the transition to the changes indicated.

The hypotheses have the function of selecting and ordering the amount of information, reduce complexity and focus. Assumptions are assumptions about reality, about the relationship between the elements of a system. Professional interventions are based on assumptions.

2. processes

The term complementary to the process is the term structure. The ratio between the structural and procedural elements depends on the one hand the organizational culture, traditions and customs, and, on the other hand, the type of task.

tasks requiring a high degree of structure (rules) and others, that its implementation requires more processing elements.

Structure and process are not contradictory elements, but complementary. There is a relationship symbiotic relationship between the two since the structures facilitate or hinder the processes and processes create new structures.

A process of organizational change of certain structures and create new ones. Influence processes and energize the structures and interpretations. Processes are the engine that sets in motion the structure.

The relationship between structure and process is a central element that characterizes an organization. Government organizations and other organizations with bureaucratic tendencies tend to overestimate the structures. Operating manuals, the stated objectives and control systems exemplify that. But the reality of an organization is also determined by human processes, which in many cases govern organizational life with more power: learning, commitment, willingness and ability to cooperate with members of different administrative units, leadership, communication (formal and informal). That is, the intangibles of organizations.

For an organization then you have to know the structural and procedural elements. To change an organization also have to change structures and processes. (Structure understood as anything normatively guiding the system and processes, all that emerges from the experience members of the organization.

The stated objectives of an organization under a formal logic and rational. But very often the goals and unwritten rules are driving performance. The survival and stability, although usually not explicit objectives often become an indirect target, why change processes are risking the operation and the current stability may be perceived as a threat.

common logic in the management of change is to think in structures. But the structures should be subject to systematic human processes and integrators. Whoever wants to adapt its organization to the ever changing requirements of the environment, you must understand that change is no longer the exception but the rule. And the more simple and more flexible organizational structure, the easier it will be change.

intervention in dynamic systems and open process management, unplanned, requires new skills. That requires:

• Investigate internal standards

• Discover when and why put in motion (without trying to understand the complete logic)

• Making the link to the systems, promote and support those trends point to the goal of change

• Intuit development trends and take timely action, dosing the risk intelligently.

3. Organizational change

We have already found that organizational change is a necessity due to environmental changes, and com to the changing nature of people. But is not an end in itself. Sometimes people talk about changes like changing something positive in itself.

We can differentiate between changes that occur within organizations for their internal dynamics and the changes driven by members of the organization. We speak now of the past, under intentional changes to adapt the organization to the requirements of environmental or strategic decisions such as moving products or services to creative and innovative.

Organizational change must point to a clear objective, a better performance and a better climate in the organization or to a strategy that seeks to creativity and innovation as drivers of maintenance or growth of the organization.

organizational changes always move to these levels, and that organizations have the characteristic of being on the one hand a community of performance (its purpose is to provide products or services to the environment) and on the other hand, a community social (determined by individual life plans and relationships, power, etc.). The relationship between the two communities is a relationship of ambivalence, at times of stress.

It is therefore important to carefully manage organizational changes.

Kurt Lewin's model, which describes three phases of organizational change (1. Defrost, 2. Movement, 3. refreezing) allows us to see what sequence of organizational change.

would be a mistake to start directly with the phase change without a proper thawing, without a proper diagnosis. Equally it would be a mistake, do not dispense change, wanting to solve everything at once. In the phase of "movement" is often visible achievements fast, but there is a danger of relapse if not dosed the speed and intensity of change.

The facilitator's role should be advisory in the assembly of change projects. The design change projects technocratic model differs because it raises other questions - mainly questions with the dynamics and inter-relationships.

Before assembling concrete plans should ask the following questions:

• Energy: Who takes over this project? Who sees it as his business? Who is interested in the success of the project and interested and willing to compromise?

• Power: Who has influence in this matter? Who are the key people? Who influences views and how we can win?

• Field strength: What are the driving forces, which are the restraining forces? What are the consequences of the implementation of measures resulting from this force field?

• Interconnections: What is the environment of the project? Who should be involved in that issue? What are the channels of information necessary for the completion of the project?

These questions are to ram them periodically. The dynamics of a process of change is the result of driving energy and stamina.

The resistance to change is a natural phenomenon and one of the main characteristics of change processes. The changes generally create resistance as they are accompanied by insecurity, loss of control and cause fear.

is not to avoid resistance or go against it. On the contrary - the important thing is to perceive and understand the signs of resistance to go with it instead of against it. Resistance is an important signal and can have the following reasons:

• false or incomplete information about the purpose of change

• Lack of participation in the change

passivity or disinterest

• Transfer previous negative experiences with the current situation

• Fear of
get hurt
resistance indicates that there is blocked energy. This means that there is a source of energy we should use, instead of treating the resistance as a disturbing factor.

We must encourage and help people express and explain their opposition and transform non-verbal and passive forms of resistance, verbal and active.

Speaking of intervention techniques in organizational change processes we

• Differentiate between direct and indirect interventions, internal and external

• Base our actions on assumptions

• Differentiate our interventions according to the project development phase of change and the people that go (eg in the diagnostic phase to work with homogeneous groups at the stage of change with heterogeneous groups)

• Use techniques that stimulate the two hemispheres of the brain

• Use techniques to reflect reality specific organization

• Use techniques that promote the generation of new options

• Use techniques that unlock the resistance

Among the wide range of techniques in the workshop of the meeting was presented and discussed among others the following:

• Sculpture organizational

• Use metaphors (see previous article about Imagine-ization)


• Kinetic Survey

• The tank

• Technical questions

continue in the next test ..... Part II

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Sample Letter For Lot Lease Offer

literature Recommendation: IMAGINE-I-zation

In lecture at the University Francisco de Miranda
Caracas - Venezuela

innovative Greetings!

Certainly, there is a global recognition, global, global, international, regional, local and organizational level, the leadership and management in the world is in constant motion and change.

conversation with a colleague of the company where I work, we discussed the different approaches of organizations and was reading the book the author Gareth Morgan (1999). "Imagine-i-zation. A new fitness crucial to the conduct and management in a silent in motion and change. " Barcelona: Granica.

This book was her first English edition of 1997 and then published in the year 99 in English. Among one of his messages warning that an organization has no presence beyond the people who give life.

addition, the author argues that you can create a learning organization but it can increase the capacity of people to learn and direct their creative activities.

Many times, our ideas about organizations are based on images or metaphors which make us think and handle the situation in a particular way. From my point of view, metaphors create understanding of things, but also distort; have strengths also has its limitations.

This work consists of 13 chapters and encourage their reading, analysis and discussion. From its first chapter presents a new approach for turbulent times and how we can mobilize our capacities and mobilization to develop new ways to organize and manage change.

Chapter Two: Looking in the mirror: It illustrates how we can use imaginization as a means to create a new image of ourselves and our style of leadership and find new ways to add value to managers in flat organizations, flexible, decentralized where styles do not work hierarchy.

Chapter Three: Strategic Termites: This chapter describes how we can develop an approach to change management to avoid the dangers, pitfalls and limitations imposed by rigid plans. Then it shows some of the practical implications of modern theories of self-organization, indicating how they can be the order of chaos and how change oriented visionary to graduate the unplanned.

Chapter Four: About spider plants, explores how organizations can create and manage decentralized and self-organization can evolve in an open yet controlled. Offer suggestions and guidelines about how managers face the demands of multiple projects teams and business lines. How to make a distinction could be directed through what denomination "umbilical cords." These create an autonomous expansion may grow and prosper new initiatives, while respecting the need for integration and accountability within the organization as a whole.

far I stopped to see if commenting on chapter nine of which imaginize called teamwork.

This chapter shows how teamwork is a process of imagining. Explore with a conventional view in which the team has drawn on a limited range of metaphors and how it is possible to imagine new ways.

There is a clear warning in this chapter is that, if it is to use sports metaphors to reflect on teamwork, we must ensure first that is most appropriate for the game that interests us. In any organization

or business, a low complexity usually required for different types of teamwork. Some areas need synchronization of a rowing crew, others may need the firm hand of a football coach. Others, such as in baseball, perhaps should cultivate collaboration among a group of players whose success depends on efficient ultimately unpredictable reinforcements and a couple of really top players.

Some require the qualities of self-organization such as football or basketball. Others will need the organizational equivalent of scaling cliffs, which creates a sense of interdependence and mutual trust that allows members running huge personal risk and so on.

Imagi-i-zation is a way of thinking and organizing a key attitude that will help the manager understand and develop their own creative potential and innovative solutions to difficult problems.

Responds to claim more creative forms of organization and management and shows how we can fulfill new roles in a changing and uncertain world, leading by example and study provides concrete evidence of actual cases of how this approach may be to practice.

Specifically this, the work shows how to modify their conception of the functions of the manager, so and to create more flexible and innovative forms of organization and third, how to build your own toolbox to meet the future challenge and many more. This book is highly suggested for reading.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Dove Posso Scaricare Dragon Ball Z

what we know, is very short. It is known that there is a gap with white and yellow, gray somewhere, it is always a tension born of yellow is like a mud or a river, coming from a speck of Kandinsky or a postcard, or what happened to Van Gogh's yellow, lemon or inside after the seeds have emerged. There is a movement in decline but it is not actually that but for a suspension, a drop to be stopped slowing down until it stuck together in the mud. breathe air above and everything should be neat and in a photograph in black and white. then: white, gray and amarillo.una clean image, the first layer of heat when you touch a glass with a candle inside.
but how ascends a tree too soon. And the other thing falls asleep or is on fire or just below the ground like the dead of Colima? And how, in the middle of the new image, palpable, to be knowing as he does, it embeds the forest dream, painted in tempera on a sheet either, how to embed the forest if there should be void and a clean image?

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Eyebrow Waxing Serve Redness And Burn


daughter and Scottish inter-party multi-hyper-cultural. Tomorrow
school in Milan will rain hats, men in hats in England, hats on the heads of children, there will be an orgy of flying hats and begin!
hope I can sleep tonight longer.

Carolina Ap Biology Laboratory 4 Questions

face - Martin Buscaglia

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Warning Signs My Wife Is A Lesbian

small box last year also

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Buy Small Tables In Bulk

How to counter resistance to change

Building a shared common purpose

innovative Greetings!

Resistance is slowly stop there! (Sometimes!)
Sometimes sending a message is often very subtly said: "No, I can not or will not. Every answer has its options. For example, when one says," not "what best to provide information y rechequear si estamos hablando el mismo idioma o tenemos el mismo objetivo. Puede ser un momento de decisión. Es decir, el no se, al  indagar se convierte en un " no quiero". Este último es el que habla desde el centro de la voluntad de la cooperación.

Todos hemos escuchado que "querer es poder"; bueno, este el el transfondo, se trata del poder de la voluntad. Este último, sube la opción de solución a otro nivel, el nivel de la decisión y es aquí donde el rol del gerente es clave. Interviene su papel orientador, coach y mayordomo (al hablar de Peter Senge, o Chester Barnard con el caráceter del liderezgo). Ciertamente, muy probablemente el marco de actuación es that of consciousness, the strategic alignment towards a common goal that is not shared because it is not wanted, despite having agreed at the time.

Again, the role of leadership is key and it, lately I've been reading, analyzing and seeing the strength that has made (among many), the focus of James Kouzes and Barry Posner. (2005). "The challenge of leadership. How to get extraordinary achievements permanently." Buenos Aires: Granica). Its dimensions
liderzgo or practices: Challenging
1 .- 2 .-
leadership inspire a shared vision
3 .- Enable others to act or
4 .- Model Serve 5 .- Provide comfort

I have stressed the third assignment (Enable others to act), as the authors summarize the actions to be taken as follows: 3.1 .-
Foster collaboration by promoting cooperative goals and generating confidence . From my point of view, is a core activity of community, communion towards which we all want on your computer, this could jump that "NO LOVE", with a moment of decision, after the leading role to develop seduce the person into what you want to show their advantages and benefits for everyone and if despite this not still love, it is better to steer the ship to port and get off that person who does not want or put it in another project, but the best in the best case is that the same person decides to stay, and that his will is his power.

3.2 .- Strengthening people through the transfer of power, choice, development of competition, the allocation of critical tasks and offering support. not easy, because as the authors say is a challenge, but in my opinion can be an option for the person becomes aware of the difficulties that have to surpass the leader and realizes that he himself is another obstacle and decides to cooperate!

In any case, all the practices suggested by these authors, I believe, are embergadura, given that when people try every challenge is greater wingspan.

After this brief introduction, I present this interesting article entitled: Resistance to change

Sitting across the table of my most important and demanding client, facing a conflict that required a delicate and sophisticated if they wanted to achieve the result I had proposed. This client is far more clever negotiator I've ever faced and his goal is to win. The conversation went something like the following:

"Dad, what's for dessert?". At that time, Isabelle was six. The will was not one of the areas that "needed development."

"Well, let's see ... you could eat maybe an apple or some grapes."

"I want ice cream."

"It is one of the cute. What do you prefer, apples or grapes?".

"Ice Cream."

The conversation went on several minutes until she said, "No ice, then I eat a banana."

"Well," replied, "is not an option, but it's okay. I'll fetch you one."

"Thanks, Dad," she said, obviously happy. Was happy to eat a banana or happy to have achieved something that was not an option I had offered?

But that does not matter because my goal was not to break her or show her who was boss. I was looking for a very specific result and clear: nothing but instill in her a healthy eating habit for life. I wanted to eat fruit for dessert and (this was the hard part) that he felt happy about it.

Getting someone to work hard to achieve a goal you set, and not because you are forcing it because that's what she chooses, is exactly the challenge that leaders face daily in organizations.

And do makes a difference. For the employee is equal to the difference between being micromanaged and be motivated. For the organization is the difference between passive resistance and alignment energized. And to you, the leader is the difference between frustration and exhaustion inspired collaboration.

The job of a leader or manager (and these days, who is not a leader or manager in one way or another) is simple: to influence people. And there is a crucial idea we have in our heads that makes this job easier.

We believe that people resist change.

Therefore, we do all sorts of things to counter that resistance. We try to motivate or coerce people to change.

But instead of breaking the resistance, we believe. People are resistant to control. Consequently, 70% of all initiatives to introduce corporate change fail. Here's the interesting thing: people freely choose to make major life changes everyday. We moved from home, marry, have children, we face challenges, learn technologies further, we change our work and develop new skills. Not all these changes are easy. But most of the time we ourselves look for those changes and make them successful.

So why people are willing to change in a situation and resist change in other situations?

Here's the answer: not that people resist change, to resist what is being imposed change.

In their personal lives people usually make their own choices. But in organizations feel coerced. Consequently, using the only power they have to regain control: resistance. How

prevent resistance? Giving them control. Allow people to make decisions. If you offer them two choices (apples or grapes) and choose a third (banana) you have the opportunity to cede control their choice provided that achieves results that are acceptable to you (fruit). In this case the person owns its decision and is happy with it because she took it.

The real key is that assignment. If you try to trick people into thinking they have control when it is not you, you lose credibility. You have to do is give them some real control while you also keeps some control because as a manager you always responsible for the outcome.

Here are three steps:

1.Defina the result you want.

2.Sugiera a way to get there.

3.Permita people to reject the path you have chosen, as long as they seek an alternative route to reach the same destination.

For example, if you like that managers hold talks on career development with employees, to propose a method that these conversations take place. If managers do not agree, ask them what they prefer to do, and they offer an alternative idea, accept it as long as they get employees and managers talk each other.

is the same whether you are deploying a technology, sales process, a new HR practice, or (you fill in the blank). Do not try to sell the change or find "approved." Instead of seeking an agreement, try to achieve the disagreement. That gives you the opportunity to allow people to make changes, right there, and immediately. And so they are responsible.

Or say you need a senior team aligned, focused and helpful, but two prominent members of the team apparently are not able to work together. Meet with them in a room and explain what the negative impact they are having in the company. Then ask them what they want done about it.

Yesterday, Isabelle (now seven) was upset about something that made his friend at school. I asked to speak with the mother of her friend. I did not say immediately that I would not, but clearly knew I was not going to do.

The result I want is to develop confidence in their ability to solve their own problems and feel supported by me. I asked him what he wanted me to tell her friend's mother. I said, and offered two options: she could tell your friend or mother could tell her friend. Did not like those options for which eventually chose a banana, she would tell her friend and the friend's mother at the same time, but taken from my hand.

Sometimes a banana is the sweetest dessert.

A comment posted by Antonio from Guatemala it seems appropriate:

"Very successful, the first thing I read before the article was the author's presentation, and indeed the message of the article is" to lead and to live " perfectly agree with the concept that each person assumes responsibility today our society needs that we teach our children the value of making decisions, of course, the example is very important, just as in business there must be This correlation between saying and doing. The commitment must be comprehensive, it makes me remember a thought that I heard a consultant: "The steps are always swept from top to bottom"

Greetings until next ...

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Fasting Blood Test Can I Drink Tea

Major management issues for this year 2011

From this source:

Harvard Bussines Review magazine asked leading scholars of management decided to share what is your purpose for 2011. Here are their responses:

Joseph E. Stiglitz post-crisis will develop a new paradigm for macroeconomics, whereby rational individuals interact with imperfect and asymmetric information. Herminia Ibarra

seek hard evidence of how leadership "soft" creates value.

Eric Schmidt planned to climb the building mobile networks and providing rapid, low-cost smartphones in the poorest parts of the world. Michael E.

Porter use modern cost accounting to reveal-and reduce-the actual costs of care health. Vijay Govindarajan

test a prototype house $ 300 to replace those of the poorest neighborhoods, provide and promote healthy living education. Dan Ariely

investigate the consumer rejection of genetically modified salmon, synthetic drugs and other products that are not "natural." Laura D.

Tyson promote the establishment of an investment bank in national infrastructure. Esther Duflo strive to increase full immunization in poor areas of India. Clay Shirky

examine how to design platforms to promote good education. Klaus Schwab

would establish a Risk Response Network through which decision-makers around the world to pool their knowledge about the risks they face. Jack Ma

work to instill a strong set of values \u200b\u200bin their younger and 19,000 employees to help China clean up its environment. Thomas H.

Davenport investigate large sound decisions that were good and how organizations come to them. AG Lafley

proselytizing will ensure that councils Management companies take seriously the leadership succession.

Eleven additional contributors Book, along with special presentations and videos can be found (in English) in

Ideas For Hair Salon Cakes

Committee of Knowledge and Innovation Production in Venezuela

innovative Greetings!

Then I copy information from what might be called, the relevant science and associated with a popular level. All this in the sense of knowing, then redirecting the achievements of science and technology in Venezuela, the Ministry of Popular Power for Science, Technology and Intermediate Industries referring to this approach of science to knowledge and popular knowledge.

The Knowledge and Production Committee found its roots in the first stage of the Science Mission founded in 2006. At that time, called Knowledge Committee which resulted in research, production and innovation networks, in general, community projects in their localities.

The Ministry of Popular Power for Science, Technology and Industry Middle proposed rectification and relaunching of the Mission Science and has established itself as targets for the following:

a) develop a science for the people, recognizing the various forms of knowledge, popular knowledge and ancestral, with a strategic vision for the country's socialist development, based on the pursuit of scientific and technological sovereignty and cognitive

b) a life science strategic raising research could permit system responses and capacities for attention in the first instance of the social needs of the population through the development of a socialist production model.

In this regard, we initiated an approach to this initiative after the achievements of the Innovation Networks occurring in the context nacionald Innovation System.