How to counter resistance to change
innovative Greetings!
Resistance is slowly stop there! (Sometimes!)
Sometimes sending a message is often very subtly said: "No, I can not or will not. Every answer has its options. For example, when one says," not "what best to provide information y rechequear si estamos hablando el mismo idioma o tenemos el mismo objetivo. Puede ser un momento de decisión. Es decir, el no se, al indagar se convierte en un " no quiero". Este último es el que habla desde el centro de la voluntad de la cooperación.
Todos hemos escuchado que "querer es poder"; bueno, este el el transfondo, se trata del poder de la voluntad. Este último, sube la opción de solución a otro nivel, el nivel de la decisión y es aquí donde el rol del gerente es clave. Interviene su papel orientador, coach y mayordomo (al hablar de Peter Senge, o Chester Barnard con el caráceter del liderezgo). Ciertamente, muy probablemente el marco de actuación es that of consciousness, the strategic alignment towards a common goal that is not shared because it is not wanted, despite having agreed at the time.
Again, the role of leadership is key and it, lately I've been reading, analyzing and seeing the strength that has made (among many), the focus of James Kouzes and Barry Posner. (2005). "The challenge of leadership. How to get extraordinary achievements permanently." Buenos Aires: Granica). Its dimensions
liderzgo or practices: Challenging
1 .- 2 .-
leadership inspire a shared vision
3 .- Enable others to act or
4 .- Model Serve 5 .- Provide comfort
I have stressed the third assignment (Enable others to act), as the authors summarize the actions to be taken as follows: 3.1 .-
Foster collaboration by promoting cooperative goals and generating confidence . From my point of view, is a core activity of community, communion towards which we all want on your computer, this could jump that "NO LOVE", with a moment of decision, after the leading role to develop seduce the person into what you want to show their advantages and benefits for everyone and if despite this not still love, it is better to steer the ship to port and get off that person who does not want or put it in another project, but the best in the best case is that the same person decides to stay, and that his will is his power.
3.2 .- Strengthening people through the transfer of power, choice, development of competition, the allocation of critical tasks and offering support. not easy, because as the authors say is a challenge, but in my opinion can be an option for the person becomes aware of the difficulties that have to surpass the leader and realizes that he himself is another obstacle and decides to cooperate!
In any case, all the practices suggested by these authors, I believe, are embergadura, given that when people try every challenge is greater wingspan.
After this brief introduction, I present this interesting article entitled: Resistance to change
Sitting across the table of my most important and demanding client, facing a conflict that required a delicate and sophisticated if they wanted to achieve the result I had proposed. This client is far more clever negotiator I've ever faced and his goal is to win. The conversation went something like the following:
"Dad, what's for dessert?". At that time, Isabelle was six. The will was not one of the areas that "needed development."
"Well, let's see ... you could eat maybe an apple or some grapes."
"I want ice cream."
"It is one of the cute. What do you prefer, apples or grapes?".
"Ice Cream."
The conversation went on several minutes until she said, "No ice, then I eat a banana."
"Well," replied, "is not an option, but it's okay. I'll fetch you one."
"Thanks, Dad," she said, obviously happy. Was happy to eat a banana or happy to have achieved something that was not an option I had offered?
But that does not matter because my goal was not to break her or show her who was boss. I was looking for a very specific result and clear: nothing but instill in her a healthy eating habit for life. I wanted to eat fruit for dessert and (this was the hard part) that he felt happy about it.
Getting someone to work hard to achieve a goal you set, and not because you are forcing it because that's what she chooses, is exactly the challenge that leaders face daily in organizations.
And do makes a difference. For the employee is equal to the difference between being micromanaged and be motivated. For the organization is the difference between passive resistance and alignment energized. And to you, the leader is the difference between frustration and exhaustion inspired collaboration.
The job of a leader or manager (and these days, who is not a leader or manager in one way or another) is simple: to influence people. And there is a crucial idea we have in our heads that makes this job easier.
We believe that people resist change.
Therefore, we do all sorts of things to counter that resistance. We try to motivate or coerce people to change.
But instead of breaking the resistance, we believe. People are resistant to control. Consequently, 70% of all initiatives to introduce corporate change fail. Here's the interesting thing: people freely choose to make major life changes everyday. We moved from home, marry, have children, we face challenges, learn technologies further, we change our work and develop new skills. Not all these changes are easy. But most of the time we ourselves look for those changes and make them successful.
So why people are willing to change in a situation and resist change in other situations?
Here's the answer: not that people resist change, to resist what is being imposed change.
In their personal lives people usually make their own choices. But in organizations feel coerced. Consequently, using the only power they have to regain control: resistance. How
prevent resistance? Giving them control. Allow people to make decisions. If you offer them two choices (apples or grapes) and choose a third (banana) you have the opportunity to cede control their choice provided that achieves results that are acceptable to you (fruit). In this case the person owns its decision and is happy with it because she took it.
The real key is that assignment. If you try to trick people into thinking they have control when it is not you, you lose credibility. You have to do is give them some real control while you also keeps some control because as a manager you always responsible for the outcome.
Here are three steps:
1.Defina the result you want.
2.Sugiera a way to get there.
3.Permita people to reject the path you have chosen, as long as they seek an alternative route to reach the same destination.
For example, if you like that managers hold talks on career development with employees, to propose a method that these conversations take place. If managers do not agree, ask them what they prefer to do, and they offer an alternative idea, accept it as long as they get employees and managers talk each other.
is the same whether you are deploying a technology, sales process, a new HR practice, or (you fill in the blank). Do not try to sell the change or find "approved." Instead of seeking an agreement, try to achieve the disagreement. That gives you the opportunity to allow people to make changes, right there, and immediately. And so they are responsible.
Or say you need a senior team aligned, focused and helpful, but two prominent members of the team apparently are not able to work together. Meet with them in a room and explain what the negative impact they are having in the company. Then ask them what they want done about it.
Yesterday, Isabelle (now seven) was upset about something that made his friend at school. I asked to speak with the mother of her friend. I did not say immediately that I would not, but clearly knew I was not going to do.
The result I want is to develop confidence in their ability to solve their own problems and feel supported by me. I asked him what he wanted me to tell her friend's mother. I said, and offered two options: she could tell your friend or mother could tell her friend. Did not like those options for which eventually chose a banana, she would tell her friend and the friend's mother at the same time, but taken from my hand.
Sometimes a banana is the sweetest dessert.
A comment posted by Antonio from Guatemala it seems appropriate:
"Very successful, the first thing I read before the article was the author's presentation, and indeed the message of the article is" to lead and to live " perfectly agree with the concept that each person assumes responsibility today our society needs that we teach our children the value of making decisions, of course, the example is very important, just as in business there must be This correlation between saying and doing. The commitment must be comprehensive, it makes me remember a thought that I heard a consultant: "The steps are always swept from top to bottom"
Greetings until next ...
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