Monday, March 14, 2011

Thriller Bark Nami Nuda

to innovate 1

OD contribute. is drawn to guide the action plan and implementation
determines result.
therefore applies: 100% quality in design and
100% quality implementation .. However
: dunk the ball? Greetings


This time I present a brief essay in the first part in the field of Organizational Development:
Intervention Organizational Change Process.

usually in the field of organizational development when planned actions are taken to resolve situations, restore or reset conditions to boost effectiveness and organizational health, as well as to support the business strategy based on research and development, creativity and innovation, is used word organizational intervention. " It should be understood as a process of organizational consulting, far from being a recipe to conduct audits and to determine and influence the progress of a process of organizational change such as those mentioned above.
Actually not. But our role as facilitators, advisers, consultants in organizational change processes and organizational development, is to intervene and use techniques that are consistent on one side with our principles and professional values \u200b\u200band on the other side with the exchange rate which we seek support or professional help.

The breadth of the subject is such that necessarily requires refine and clarify some aspects. We have chosen the following areas:

1. interventions

What do we mean by intervention?

What are our early intervention?

What are the criteria for differentiating interventions?

2. processes

What are the characteristics of processes?

Why is the balance between structure and process is important?

What are the characteristics of change processes

3. organizational change

Who wants to change and why?

What are the characteristics of organizational changes

How to manage resistance in change processes? (See previous essay on this blog)

then give some clues to guide them in this regard:

1. Organizational interventions

changes require assistance organizations. Directed toward an innovative organization is one of these changes of strategy.
Interventions may arise from within or outside the organization. Interventions are procedures through which influenced or guided the behavior of a person, group of persons or an organization.

An intervention directly based on a decision of the Board, for example, may be the change of organizational structure, developing a new product or service, the implementation of a personnel assessment tool or building a new headquarters.

But a working meeting of a head with its partners is an intervention because it changes the social system. Following this approach we can see that in our role of facilitator (s), advisor (a), consultant (a) intervene with the simple fact of being present, since this changes the "subjective theory" of the members of an organization ( What is your mission?).

What we do and what we do is an intervention in the strict sense of the word. Within our professional field when it comes to intervention is a deliberate act, when we want to achieve something on purpose. Is deliberately planned and together with the parties involved. "Swim is part of a plan that helped build"

However, the impact of an intervention does not depend on the underlying intentions of the person involved, but the rules of self-direction to which this system directed.

This means that we can be clear about what we want with intervention, but do not know what will be the effect of the intervention.

The fact dismiss a team member may have very different consequences. Might lead to a significant improvement in the "social system" (everyone is happy that the person is no longer part of the team) and also can lead to a significant deterioration (eg the fear that this means the beginning of a string of layoffs .)
In like manner, when instumentación facilitates creativity techniques such as home design and implementation of work processes aimed at generating new products and services for the organization.

interventions, whether internal or external, direct or indirect, describe what you do, but not what you get as a result.

This implication is important because with our interventions can not influence social systems linearly. "A God pleading, but with the hammer"

professional Under the facilitation of change processes, we can identify two important aspects:

a. Professional intervention should be based on an assumption

b. Observation and interpretation of the effects of our intervention determines our new hypothesis and our next operation.

is valid at this stage, observe: the language, the physicality (even micro body movements. We recommend that U.S. authorities felt the series "Lie to me" or Lie), and emotionality that is emerging for the transition to the changes indicated.

The hypotheses have the function of selecting and ordering the amount of information, reduce complexity and focus. Assumptions are assumptions about reality, about the relationship between the elements of a system. Professional interventions are based on assumptions.

2. processes

The term complementary to the process is the term structure. The ratio between the structural and procedural elements depends on the one hand the organizational culture, traditions and customs, and, on the other hand, the type of task.

tasks requiring a high degree of structure (rules) and others, that its implementation requires more processing elements.

Structure and process are not contradictory elements, but complementary. There is a relationship symbiotic relationship between the two since the structures facilitate or hinder the processes and processes create new structures.

A process of organizational change of certain structures and create new ones. Influence processes and energize the structures and interpretations. Processes are the engine that sets in motion the structure.

The relationship between structure and process is a central element that characterizes an organization. Government organizations and other organizations with bureaucratic tendencies tend to overestimate the structures. Operating manuals, the stated objectives and control systems exemplify that. But the reality of an organization is also determined by human processes, which in many cases govern organizational life with more power: learning, commitment, willingness and ability to cooperate with members of different administrative units, leadership, communication (formal and informal). That is, the intangibles of organizations.

For an organization then you have to know the structural and procedural elements. To change an organization also have to change structures and processes. (Structure understood as anything normatively guiding the system and processes, all that emerges from the experience members of the organization.

The stated objectives of an organization under a formal logic and rational. But very often the goals and unwritten rules are driving performance. The survival and stability, although usually not explicit objectives often become an indirect target, why change processes are risking the operation and the current stability may be perceived as a threat.

common logic in the management of change is to think in structures. But the structures should be subject to systematic human processes and integrators. Whoever wants to adapt its organization to the ever changing requirements of the environment, you must understand that change is no longer the exception but the rule. And the more simple and more flexible organizational structure, the easier it will be change.

intervention in dynamic systems and open process management, unplanned, requires new skills. That requires:

• Investigate internal standards

• Discover when and why put in motion (without trying to understand the complete logic)

• Making the link to the systems, promote and support those trends point to the goal of change

• Intuit development trends and take timely action, dosing the risk intelligently.

3. Organizational change

We have already found that organizational change is a necessity due to environmental changes, and com to the changing nature of people. But is not an end in itself. Sometimes people talk about changes like changing something positive in itself.

We can differentiate between changes that occur within organizations for their internal dynamics and the changes driven by members of the organization. We speak now of the past, under intentional changes to adapt the organization to the requirements of environmental or strategic decisions such as moving products or services to creative and innovative.

Organizational change must point to a clear objective, a better performance and a better climate in the organization or to a strategy that seeks to creativity and innovation as drivers of maintenance or growth of the organization.

organizational changes always move to these levels, and that organizations have the characteristic of being on the one hand a community of performance (its purpose is to provide products or services to the environment) and on the other hand, a community social (determined by individual life plans and relationships, power, etc.). The relationship between the two communities is a relationship of ambivalence, at times of stress.

It is therefore important to carefully manage organizational changes.

Kurt Lewin's model, which describes three phases of organizational change (1. Defrost, 2. Movement, 3. refreezing) allows us to see what sequence of organizational change.

would be a mistake to start directly with the phase change without a proper thawing, without a proper diagnosis. Equally it would be a mistake, do not dispense change, wanting to solve everything at once. In the phase of "movement" is often visible achievements fast, but there is a danger of relapse if not dosed the speed and intensity of change.

The facilitator's role should be advisory in the assembly of change projects. The design change projects technocratic model differs because it raises other questions - mainly questions with the dynamics and inter-relationships.

Before assembling concrete plans should ask the following questions:

• Energy: Who takes over this project? Who sees it as his business? Who is interested in the success of the project and interested and willing to compromise?

• Power: Who has influence in this matter? Who are the key people? Who influences views and how we can win?

• Field strength: What are the driving forces, which are the restraining forces? What are the consequences of the implementation of measures resulting from this force field?

• Interconnections: What is the environment of the project? Who should be involved in that issue? What are the channels of information necessary for the completion of the project?

These questions are to ram them periodically. The dynamics of a process of change is the result of driving energy and stamina.

The resistance to change is a natural phenomenon and one of the main characteristics of change processes. The changes generally create resistance as they are accompanied by insecurity, loss of control and cause fear.

is not to avoid resistance or go against it. On the contrary - the important thing is to perceive and understand the signs of resistance to go with it instead of against it. Resistance is an important signal and can have the following reasons:

• false or incomplete information about the purpose of change

• Lack of participation in the change

passivity or disinterest

• Transfer previous negative experiences with the current situation

• Fear of
get hurt
resistance indicates that there is blocked energy. This means that there is a source of energy we should use, instead of treating the resistance as a disturbing factor.

We must encourage and help people express and explain their opposition and transform non-verbal and passive forms of resistance, verbal and active.

Speaking of intervention techniques in organizational change processes we

• Differentiate between direct and indirect interventions, internal and external

• Base our actions on assumptions

• Differentiate our interventions according to the project development phase of change and the people that go (eg in the diagnostic phase to work with homogeneous groups at the stage of change with heterogeneous groups)

• Use techniques that stimulate the two hemispheres of the brain

• Use techniques to reflect reality specific organization

• Use techniques that promote the generation of new options

• Use techniques that unlock the resistance

Among the wide range of techniques in the workshop of the meeting was presented and discussed among others the following:

• Sculpture organizational

• Use metaphors (see previous article about Imagine-ization)


• Kinetic Survey

• The tank

• Technical questions

continue in the next test ..... Part II


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