innovative Greetings!
was in these days with a colleague from the service's Training and Human Resource Development of an important Venezuelan organization.
I commented this meeting, derivendo three (3) learning:
1 .- The ECOM (prefer: economism):
I have time I hear that a capitalist economy, neo-capitalism, market economy is coming or is already going through the plane to his downfall, others and say we're in a tailspin. Is what has brought poverty, poverty and more poverty. Moreover, I'm reading an interesting book authors Raich and Dolan (2009). "Beyond. Business and Society in a silent in transformation. "Barcelona: Profit.
What these authors tell us: .. Today our lives are dominated by the" economism ", which means that únicamante care about things that yield economic value. It is a substitute ideology . motivadapor is mere greed of things. This attitude can be seen many times in the last stage of civilization. It is clearly the sign of the end of capitalism as we've seen over the last century "...
In our country, Venezuela, is also a slogan at the political debate (capitalism, neoliberalism, the market economy is in full decline and I comment, poverty, insecurity, unemployment, abandonment of many areas: family, children, school dropouts, that is, a car market of problems we face, not only here but in many of Latin American countries.
But tell them that I started my preparation towards the understanding of how things are going. It is imperative to study, learn, investigate China. Cutting purely communist, but look at you from the keyboard that serves as a vehicle for me to communicate with you, sewing needles are in the sewing machine at home, toothbrushes, machinery, all electronic equipment of high, medium and low technology (the yoyo), are manufactured in China.
be that the issue is know to take advantage of the global market economy for the benefit of the country and its people, or a mask. What is certain is that the contemporary situation of China is of great interest because in the past three decades, its development model has led to spectacular economic growth and social change of great importance.
As an example, consider the following facts. During the period 1978-2006, China achieved an average annual growth of 9.6% in gross domestic product (GDP). In the last thirty years China's real GDP multiplied thirteen times, its real GDP per capita nine times and real consumption per capita more than six times. According to the World Bank, China contributed 0.5 percentage points to world economic growth of 3.9% in 2006.
If you want to know more, simply stroll into China Statistical Yearbook, various issues. National Bureau of Statstics just see this website:
2 .- However, there are people who tell us that not everything is of such magnitude because sometimes we forget that the most exalted of the importance we give to things, people, nature, life, these two: money and capital are means, not ends in themselves; are only substitutes, are values \u200b\u200bfree replacement or own intrinsic values. We provide access to goods and services. People, that is, we center our lives on money and capital, we are deceiving ourselves. We live a life replacement.
One option: to move toward self, so when we see our business activities, products and services that Bride or buy, the questions to be answered at this time is: do make our lives happier, easier, healthier, more enjoyable?, "improve our quality of life?, as the authors note Mario Raich Simon Dolan (2009). "Beyond. Business and society in a world of transformation." Barcelona: Editorial Profit. 3 .-
nustra friend back to training and development and asked where concentrated efforts on developing the skills of its people, I just said to the powers that make us more competitive, innovative, best, to contribute directly to revenue and profitability. What? .- The usual. My second question
was, then, do you have unstedes a program, course, workshop, activities of recognition for creativity, initiative of the people?
His response was facing arrba, like looking for a vine to bear to answer. After a while, entering reason and conscience of sincerity, he answers, "Truth can not remember having participated, seen, heard or spoken in a training session, some training in creativity, problem solving in a creative, a course or talk of those who name: Thinking Outside the box or something.
In this regard, I urge, I demand, ask, ask, invite you to strategists in organizations; and its talented development team, have now to consider training on creativity, problem solving, a talk or internal workshops on "Creativity and technological innovation in socially and environmentally responsible economy as well as" be creative, be synergistic.
Until next
One option: to move toward self, so when we see our business activities, products and services that Bride or buy, the questions to be answered at this time is: do make our lives happier, easier, healthier, more enjoyable?, "improve our quality of life?, as the authors note Mario Raich Simon Dolan (2009). "Beyond. Business and society in a world of transformation." Barcelona: Editorial Profit. 3 .-
nustra friend back to training and development and asked where concentrated efforts on developing the skills of its people, I just said to the powers that make us more competitive, innovative, best, to contribute directly to revenue and profitability. What? .- The usual. My second question
was, then, do you have unstedes a program, course, workshop, activities of recognition for creativity, initiative of the people?
His response was facing arrba, like looking for a vine to bear to answer. After a while, entering reason and conscience of sincerity, he answers, "Truth can not remember having participated, seen, heard or spoken in a training session, some training in creativity, problem solving in a creative, a course or talk of those who name: Thinking Outside the box or something.
In this regard, I urge, I demand, ask, ask, invite you to strategists in organizations; and its talented development team, have now to consider training on creativity, problem solving, a talk or internal workshops on "Creativity and technological innovation in socially and environmentally responsible economy as well as" be creative, be synergistic.
Until next
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